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Video Modeling for Children with Autism

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Keywords: video, modeling
Subject(s): Special Needs
Grades 2 through 5
School: Russell Ranch, Folsom, CA
Planned By: Virginia Wilbur
Original Author: Virginia Wilbur, Folsom
This lesson is designed to teach children with autism communication, social, academic/cognition, and play skills with the assistance of video. The adult chooses a type of video modeling (basic video modeling, video self-modeling, point-of-view video modeling or video prompting) appropriate for the student and skill to be taught. A script is written of the steps to plan exactly what needs to be said and done on the video. The video is made and edited. Narratives are added if needed. Adults need to take baseline data and set a schedule (when, how often & where) for viewing the video. The intervention is then implemented according to the planned schedule. Data is continued to be taken to show effectiveness.

Current activity involves playing a game, Jr. Monopoly. Basic video modeling (showing two students playing the game Jr. Monopoly) is used to make the video. The volunteers (general education peers) follow a script written emphasizing taking turns, rolling the dice, moving the car one square at a time, counting money, giving money to another player, putting ticket booths on the board and picking a card. After the video is made, the students with autism view it several times. Now, it’s time to play Jr. Monopoly! Viewing of the video will continue as needed.

Video Script for Monopoly Junior

Student goals: interaction with peer, learn to play a game (rolling dice, moving car correct number of spaces, giving & taking money) turn taking & ‘one more’

Player #1 Hi, would you like to play Monopoly Junior with me?

Player #2 Yes, that sounds fun!

(players sit down at the table with Monopoly Junior)

Player #1 I’ll set the game up. (puts the board) What color car do you want?

Player #2 I’ll be the yellow car.

Player #1 (puts the yellow car on ‘GO’) I’ll be blue (puts the blue car on ‘GO’ , puts chance cars on the board, gives 10 $1 to each player) Let’s play! Let’s roll the dice to see who’s turn it is. Larger number goes first. You roll first.

(player #2 rolls first, player #1 rolls next)

Player #1 You rolled a _____. I rolled a _____. _____ goes first.

Player # 1 (rolls the dice, counts the dots on the dice, moves his car ___ spaces & follows any directions on the board)

Player #2 (rolls the dice, matches the dice on the same number card, counts the dots on the touchmath number, moves his car ___ spaces & follows any directions on the board)

(Play continues alternating between players)

Comments made during the game: It’s your turn – It’s my turn – Wow, you got a free ticket booth – Thanks for landing on my ticket booth – This is fun – I have a lot of money – I’m winning – I like this game
Amusementsquare unoccupied – player buys ticket booth (set up opportunity for banker to ask for ‘one more’)

Amusement square occupied – player pays player who’s ticket booth is on it (set up opportunity to show ‘one more’)

Pass ‘GO’ – collect $2 (set up opportunity to show ‘one more’)

Railroad – roll again

Fireworks & water show – pay $2 to see the show (Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change) – (set up opportunity to show ‘one more’)

Lunch – wait (do nothing)

Go to Lunch – pay $3 (Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change) - (set up opportunity to show ‘one more’)

Mr. Monopoly’s Loose Change – player gets all the money on the space
Materials: Flip Video