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Keywords: story telling, number sequence, rhymes |
Subject(s): Early Learning, Reading, English/Language Arts, Speech and Language |
Grades P-K through 2 |
NETS-S Standard: - Communication and Collaboration
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Keith Elementary, Cypress, TX |
Planned By: E Budnek |
Original Author: E Budnek, Cypress |
Objective: ...participate in rhymes, songs ... clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence, elaborations and examples ... orally demonstrate phonological awareness and story retelling .. identify numbers1-5 ...place numbers 1-5 in numerical order
The teacher will read a traditional story or rhyme such as "The five little pumpkins" and have the students recite along with the teacher
Five Little Pumpkins
Five little Pumpkins sitting on a gate. The first one said "My, it's getting late." The second one said, "There are witches in the air." The third one said, "But we don’t care." The forth one said, "We’ll run and run and run." The fifth one said, "It's just Halloween fun." "Whooooo" went the wind. And out went the light. And the five little pumpkins rolled out of site.
The teacher will use clip art from Clip Art Station, compliments of Digital Wish, or other source to create a gate and pumpkin to illustate the story. Be sure to "lock" the gate in place, the pumpkins will be the only pieces that move. Number the pumpkins 1-5.
The students will retell the story dragging the pumpkins to the gate in numerical order.
TIP for young (or small) learners- use a bell mallet from the music room to reach the shapes that might be at the top of a tall interactive board.
Parent Involvement: Use a FLIP HD video camera,compliments of Digital Wish,to film the story retelling. Post the video on your class blog site, or play at Open house. Parents love to see their kids in action, and using technology! |