Black History Month Podcast "A Conversation Between Presidents Lincoln and Obama" Page Views: 3151
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Keywords: President Obama, American History, President Lincoln, African American History, Debates, Videos |
Subject(s): Drama, Grammar, Spelling, Photography, Social Studies, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Podcasting, Technology, Video, History |
Grades 4 through 7 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Lincoln Avenue Elementary Sch, Orange, NJ |
Planned By: Miriam Martin |
Original Author: Miriam Martin, Orange |
Activity #1 Research Biographies and Relevant Historical Events Students will: 1. Use print, videos, primary source documents, and the Internet to gather information on biographies, political events, timelines, speeches, wars, and the state of the union between 1860 - 1865 and 2006 - 2008.
Activity #2 Develop a Storyboard Students will: 1. Create a graphic organizer to outline similarities and differences of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. 2. Collaborate and brainstorm conversational topics and issues. 3. Collaborate and brainstorm a list of questions that students would ask of the presidents
Activity #3 Script Writing Students will: 1. Prepare a script with dialogue for President Lincoln and President Obama. 2. Role play using a presidential debate format with a moderator and an audience. 3. Focus on (perceived) character traits of these two presidents, i.e., body language and voice delivery (humble, proud, evasive, boisterous). 3. Practice the conversation/debate with audio and video equipment. (Music stands to hold printed script to enhance body language.)
Activity #4 Presentation Students assigned roles of President Lincoln, President Obama, Moderator, and audience (4 students with questions). Performed before student body, and at district annual Black History Month Program.
Activity #5 Burn, Upload and Archive Download video, burn and save as MP4. Upload on school website.
Comments |
This lesson plan is submitted for consideration of the Black History Month Podcasting Grant. It was completed in February 2010 for a Black History Month presentation and not as a podcast - mainly because, as the school technology coordinator, I am sadly still unfamiliar with the process - yet eager and anxious to learn and turnkey. I believe the original video clip can be podcasted or that future podcasts can be dialogue with current and legendary African American leaders. One of a series of 'Dear Mr. President' books by author Andrea Davis Pinkney, President Lincoln corresponds with a young slave girl name Lettie Tucker. With the podcast grant, students will be able to hear the voices of America's History and portray the characters. Thank you for your kind consideration. |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
American History, African American History, Lang. Arts, Technology Literacy, VIsual and Performing Arts |
Follow-Up |
As previously mentioned, the video was downloaded, burned as a MP4 and uploaded onto the school's website. It can be viewed at the following website: http://orange.schoolwires.com/155620108224318510/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=58747. The website itself is: www.orange.schoolwires.com; select Lincoln Avenue School and under Staff websites, select Miriam Martin; A Conversation Between Presidents Lincoln & Obama. |
Links: |
Link to pod-presentation
Materials: |
Speech and Language, Worksheets, Pro Composition, Music, Video Tools, Animation, Screen Capture, Timeline, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Tripods, Camera Bags, Camera/Video Accessories, Printers, Video Cameras, Hardware Devices |