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Input and Output and Processing...Oh My!!!

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Keywords: Scavenger Hunt, Digital Camera, Photography, Multimedia
Subject(s): Art, Social Skills, Technology, Writing, Animation, Photography, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism
Grades 2 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: New Market Elementary School, Sophia, NC
Planned By: Betsey Beasley
Original Author: Betsey Dixon, Sophia
Day 1
Step 1: As a class, discuss what Input, Output, and Processing mean. (I always use a multimedia presentation to present this to the students because it engages them more.) Give definitions and examples of each…include photos or clip art…to insure that the students understand the idea.

Step 2: Inform the students that you are going to allow them to go on a Scavenger Hunt of their own to try and find Input, Output, and Processing devices. This could be in the computer lab, in their classroom, or throughout the building. Since they will not be able to bring the items back with them, they are going to have to take pictures of them using the digital cameras.

Step 3: You may have already introduced the digital cameras to your class and they may already be comfortable using them. If so you may want to simply go over a few of the “Do’s and Don’t’s” of using the hardware to refresh their memory. If your students are not comfortable with them, take time to introduce them to the cameras. Instruct them how to power them on and off, how to zoom in and out, and how to take the picture. It is completely up to you how in depth you go in showing the many gadgets of the camera. I would suggest for the younger ones and those beginners to keep it simple. *Always remember to illustrate to the students how to care for the cameras correctly.* (You may let the children take a few test shots in the classroom just for practice.)

Step 4: Once your students are comfortable with using the digital cameras, divide them into groups. Depending on your age group, and how many cameras are available, anywhere from 2-5 children in a group would be sufficient. (You want each child in the group to be able to get hands on experience with the camera.) Give each group a set of 3 cards (1 for Input, 1 for Output, and 1 for Processing). **Older students may be instructed to find more than one example for each.**

Step 5: Then, give the children a time limit to meet back as a class and send them off on their Scavenger Hunt! If you are doing this in the classroom, I would simply allow children to move around the room as they wish, while you walk around observing and monitoring each group. With the older children, I usually allow them to travel the school (but not interrupt any classrooms).

Step 6: When the children come back discuss what they found and collect the cameras. Then advise them that you will be doing something fun with the photos they collected the next day.

Day 2

Step 7: Show the children how to upload their photos from the Scavenger Hunt onto the computer. They may do this by using the usb connection from the camera or using a SD card reader. **This step may be difficult for younger students, so it may be one you have to do on your own.**

Step 8: Have the students create a multimedia illustrating Input, Output, and Processing devices with the photos they collected. **For younger students you could already have the multimedia template created and they could simply insert their pictures and text, while older students could create the presentation from scratch. Allow students to get creative, using animation and transitions! This depends on how comfortable they are with such multimedia software as PowerPoint or websites such as Glogstert.**

Step 9: Once the students have completed their multimedia presentation and you have checked it for accuracy, allow them to present their creation to the class. Discuss each presentation as you go through.
This is a great lesson for children to explore digital photograhy while working together to create a multimedia presentation. It can easily be customized to multiple grade and ability levels.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This same Scavenger Hunt idea could be used for different curriculums. Instead of Input, Output, and Processing it could be to find shapes for geometry or descriptive words for writing.

Students could also write a descriptive sentence into their multimedia describing the look of each element of input, output and processing device.
Students will write/type/blog a paragraph describing their struggles and achievements while attempting this project. They could then comment on one anothers and compare and help one another.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Projectors, Projector Screens, Digital Voice Recorders, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, LCD Monitors, Mice, Office Suite, Art Tools, Keyboarding, Slideshow, Clip Art, Animation, Integrating Technology, Speech and Language
Other Items: 1 Standard Digital Camera Lab, $2889.00 each, total of $2889.00