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1920's Personalities Podcasting Project

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Keywords: Podcasting, Social Studies, 1920s,
Subject(s): Social Studies
Grades 7 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
View Full Text of Standards
School: Prattsburgh Central School, Prattsburgh, NY
Planned By: Allyson Pirrung
Original Author: Allyson Pirrung, Prattsburgh
Lesson Plan: Podcast Research Project
I. Descriptive Data
This lesson has been created for an 8th grade Social Studies class. The project is created for students to create a podcast teaching listeners and viewers about their 1920’s personality.
*This lesson can be adopted for any grade level, subject and can be modified for group or individual projects.
Unit: The Roaring Twenties
Lesson: Personalities of the Roaring Twenties
Date Created: February 13, 2011
Time Span: 6 days (1 computer lab- research, 3- students finish research and write report, 2 computer lab- lesson on GarageBand and students to work on computer to record, edit and add pictures to final podcast.)

II. Materials
o Computers with Internet and GarageBand Software
o Class folder for students to save published podcasts to
o 1920’s Personality Outline handout and Pencils/Pens
o Microphone and headset for use during recording and editing

III. Standards and Objectives
1. NYS Standard
o NYS Standard 1: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
• #3 Study about the major social, political, economic, cultural, and religious developments in New York State and United States history involves learning about the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.
• Gather and organize information about the important achievements and contributions of individuals and groups living in New York State and the United States.
• Describe how ordinary people and famous historic figures in he local community, State, and the United States have advanced the fundamental democratic values, beliefs, and traditions expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the New York State and United States Constitutions, the Bill of Rights, and other important historic documents
• #4 The skills of historical analysis include the ability to explain the significance of historical evidence; weigh the importance, reliability, and validity of evidence; understand the concept of multiple causations; understand the importance of changing and competing interpretations of different historical developments.
• Consider the sources of historic documents, narratives, or artifacts and evaluate their reliability
• Describe historic events through the eyes and experiences of those who were there

2. Objectives
o Students will use the Internet to research their topic.
o Students will create a written report by compiling their data.
o Students will create a works cited following Chicago format.
o Students will record their podcast using GarageBand
o Students will edit their podcast, and add pictures that will enhance and emphasis important parts of their report.
o Students will create and publish a podcast that can be viewed on the class website.

IV. Procedure
1. Schedule the computer lab for each class time that will participate or create a podcast. Remember to schedule for each day needed as stated in the time span above.
2. Assign each student a person famous in the Roaring Twenties.
3. Handout a very specific outline to each student that they will record their person’s name and all data they find during research.
4. Go to the computer lab and assist students in their research. (Remember to remind students to look for reputable websites for their data. Remind students to fill out the citation section on the outline handout.)
5. Teach students how to cite their sources using Chicago format. (Information needed is included in the outline handout, students need to write and format the individual information.)
6. Give students three days to finish their research and write a report that reflects their data found of their person.
7. Collect written reports, read them over and collect a grade at this point.
8. Teach a lesson refreshing students on how to use GarageBand.
9. Have students begin recording their podcast, as they read their report.
10. Have students edit their recording and add pictures that enhance the podcast. Continue until all students have recorded.
11. Publish the podcasts by instructing students to send the final podcast to iTunes. (Have play using QuickTime)
12. Post finished podcasts to the class website for parents, guardians and other teachers to view.

V. Student Assessment
o Students will be assessed first by completing their written report and handing it in on time.
o Secondly, students will be assessed on the podcast project itself.
• Grading is based on sound quality, picture choice (Do they help or hurt podcast?
• Deduct 10 points for each class project is late unless it is an excused absence.
* Note: Although this is a class project students will be graded individually during all sections.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Create a bigger project with English and co teach Chicago or MLA formatting.
Materials: Digital Voice Recorders, Hard Drives, Podcasting