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Students will FLIP for the News

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Keywords: writing, articles, broadcast, School Tube, news, video
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Writing, Podcasting, Technology, Social Skills, Video, Spelling, Grammar, Journalism
Grades 4 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: L B J Elementary School, Jackson, KY
Planned By: Alonzo Fugate
Original Author: Alonzo Fugate, Jackson
Goal of the Project:
The goal is to work with students of all ages to create and produce their own news casts of events taking place in their classroom and school. This will help to create a sense of ownership in their school and will maintain a positive environment.

Project Idea:
I use the FLIP Camera in my personal life. It is so easy to use. It is the perfect tool to capture events taking place in school. Even elementary kids will have no problem using this equipment.

Materials needed:

1. FLIP Cameras for student use. Several cameras will make this much faster and easier.
2. paper and pencils
3. School Tube account
4. Video Editing Software
5. Word processing software


1. Students will interview teachers and students in the school to see what new events are taking place. For example, perhaps there is a new teacher or a fun class project. Also, students may come up with surveys such as "What is Your Favorite School Lunch?"

2. Students will write out an article based on their surveys. Students will need to follow the basic format for a correctly written article. Students will also need to follow the writing process to make sure that the article is written correctly and is addressing the intended audience.

3. After final editing, students will type their articles in a word processing program such as Word. Once again, students will need to make sure that they are following proper keyboarding form. Students will help proofread each other's articles for typing mistakes.

4. Once the articles are written, students will film each other sharing their news. Students will use the FLIP camera for this process. Students can also film events in the classrooms with the FLIP camera to use with their articles. In this case, video editing software would be used to place the footage with the taped broadcast of the article.

5. The written articles can be shared on the school website.

6. The video will be uploaded to School Tube. This video would be available for the school and the community to view. This would help to maintain a strong link between the school and the community.

Project Evaluation:

Students will be graded based on their writing form (did they follow the proper format for an article, is there enough information, spelling, grammar, etc.) and also on their speaking skills. Both written and verbal communication will be taught with this lesson. Also, students will be responsible for saving their video and uploading it to School Tube.

Project Budget:
We need multiple Flip Cameras. In order to create a positive experience for the students, we need more cameras - multiple cameras would allow students to have easy access. I want them to be able to check these cameras out for student use. Since students have different schedules and needs when it comes to filming for their articles and news casts, it will be necessary to have the proper equipment.
This is a lesson that can involve every student. The unique and "real-world" application of this lesson makes it something that students can take with them even after they leave your classroom.
Using green screen technology and programs such as Adobe Visual Communicator, students can create a daily news program.
Materials: Authoring and Publishing, Keyboarding, Podcasting, Word Processor, Writing, Literacy, Reading, Mice, LCD Monitors, Keyboards, CDs and DVDs, Tripods, Video Tools, Flip Video, Integrating Technology, Speech and Language
Other Items: 10 Flip Cameras, $150 each, total of $1500.00