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A Virtual Tour of our School -- in Spanish!

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Keywords: Flip cameras, video, Spanish,
Subject(s): Video, Foreign Language
Grades 10 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Southside High School, Fort Smith, AR
Planned By: Anna Love
Original Author: Anna Love, Fort Smith
1. Students are introduced to list of vocabulary words describing parts of a school campus: library, parking lot, stadium, etc.

2. Students research interesting facts about our campus, our city and our state.

3. Working in groups of 3-4, students "storyboard" a video tour including the following:
a. 5 locations on campus (choosing from the master list created in step 1)
b. voice-over narration in Spanish telling us what we are seeing and what is done there.
(share the responsibilities -- everyone in group must take a turn filming and speaking)
c. an introduction of an adult who works on our campus and their job
d. a "tour" of someone's locker, showing us what is found inside.
e. an interesting fact about either our campus, our city or our state.
f. "segway" phrases as the filmers move from place to place

4. Upon approval of the storyboard, student groups are provided with a Flip video camera and are sent around campus to film their video.

5. Using Flipshare software, the video is edited and a movie is created.

6. The final product is uploaded to the class wiki which we share with cooperating schools in other states.

7. Cooperating teachers show our videos to their students, with plans to create one of their own to send back to us (via the shared wiki)

8. After watching the videos from other schools, students write about similarities and differences between our school/town and the others. Students also locate schools on map and discuss travel distance, etc.

9. This video tour is our introduction to our partner schools. We continue to collaborate throughout the school year.
Materials: Flip Video