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Lord of the Flies

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Keywords: Flip Video, Lord of the Flies, Mock Trial, News Cast, Movie
Subject(s): Video, Technology, English/Language Arts, Drama
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Gruver High School, Gruver, TX
Planned By: Kimberly Irwin
Original Author: Kimberly Irwin, Gruver
Divide your friends into three groups:
•One group is the rescued boys who should look at the entire time on the island through Jack’s point of view.
•One group is the rescued boys who should look at the entire time on the island through Ralph’s point of view.
•One group will act as an audience of adult judges—parents, police, and other authority figures; this group will ask questions of the two groups of boys and pass judgment on them.

While the group acting as judges prepares questions for both groups, the groups supporting Jack and Ralph should consider the following questions by way of preparing for questions from the adults:
•What happened?
•What events does each boy have firsthand knowledge of?
•What events did each boy only hear about?
•Which actions will each boy defend the most emphatically?
•What will each boy say about the others?

The group acting as judges should prepare questions for both groups. In order to come to a fair judgment, what do the judges need to find out? How can they look beyond the boys’ personalities and leadership styles to find an accurate depiction of what happened on the island? Explain that the judgment group must create questions that elicit both objective and subjective answers.

After the adults have interrogated each boy, the judges should meet to formulate their conclusion: Who was responsible for each development during the boys’ stay on the island? To what degree? Why do the judges hold specific boys responsible?
Judges should give out punishments—and possibly rewards—based on their findings. They may be creative in crafting consequences for each boy and may also consider making recommendations so that in the future society at large can avoid another destruction of a civilized group.

Submit a list of each member and their job to me.


On the Return of the Lost Boys

Students write a news story and produce a news video about the boys’ return to England. As reporters, students should pretend they have conducted four or five interviews with the surviving boys, the adult who rescued them, their parents, teachers, and child psychology experts as well as the man on the street. They should prepare statements made by “interviewees.” Overall they should organize their story or video to cover the “five Ws and H”—Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? If students are shooting a video, they can add to its realism by dressing actors in clothing that fits their roles.

So, choose your videographer, your news reporter(s), Jack, Ralph, Roger, or any of the suggestions above. Have at least 4 interviews. Your video should be around 10 minutes long.

Submit a list of each member of the group and their job to me.

Project #3- THE MOVIE

Students in this group should prepare a video highlighting the main points of the novel. Character representation as well as situations should strive to be accurate. Incorporating copy and music into your video will add interest as well as points! This is your forum to “make a movie” of the novel. The length of the movie should be no shorter than 5 minutes and no longer than 15. Participation is key! Everyone in the group must be assigned a job. There are many parts to play: videographer, dialogue writer, director, actors, music director, copy director, etc. I will need a list of each group member and their job.
This lesson was implemented in the fall semester. The student groups each took turns sharing one Flip cam. We had positive feedback from the students, parents and administration. Other teachers in our high school want to create similar projects for their curriculm, as well. The goal was to teach technology skills and reinforce the understanding of Lord of the Flies, and both goals were met. The students are very much interested in video and video editing. If we can channel this interest into reinforcing the essential elements of our curriculum, then it is a win, win situation for everyone.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project could easily be duplicated in history and social studies classes. I know that the 9th-11th grade English teachers are creating similar projects for their classes. Our science teachers are interested in flip cams for labs.
Because of the success of this project, we are doing a similar video and English language arts project the second semester. We have also created projects ideas for public service announcements, school event promotional commercials, 30 and 60 second commercials for marketing class.
Materials: Flip Video, Networked Projectors, Projector Screens, Hard Drives, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Ports and Hubs, LCD Monitors, Mice, Flash/USB Drives, Word Processor, Authoring and Publishing, Timeline, Video Tools, Music, Sound Libraries, Integrating Technology