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Math Time and Measurement Rap Page Views: 2344
Our 2nd Grade curriculum requires that students learn basic Time and measurement facts. For example; 1 year = 52 weeks, 4 quarts = 1 gal.
Objective: Students will create a classroom rap to present all math facts needed to be memorized during the school year.
Here are the steps: Day 1 1. Have each student pick, randomly, a flash card with a one of the facts on it they are to learn. 2. Individually have each student come up with a rap or rhyme that includes the fact they have. 3. Have each child present their fact to the class.
Day 2 & 3 1. Divide the class into smaller, collaborative groups. No more that 4 students per group. 2. In the groups each student is to present their fact again. 3. As a group the students then are to combine all 4 of the raps into one rap for each fact. They must work together to make the rap flow, be fun and creative with a good beat. 4. Have each group persent their raps to the whole class. Allow the class to give input on what they like about the rap and ways to improve the rap.
Day 4 1. Have each group get together to edit and refine their rap for their final presentation. Students can add beat using classroom materials like desks, pencils, books etc.
Day 5 The Final Product. 1. Have each group present their final rap to the class. Use a FLIP VIDEO to record each group. Allow the students to do the recording of each others group.
Finally Present the video from the FLIP to the class. As a class discuss and decide the order the raps should be put together for the final video. Include in your discussion: Any parts to be edited, should there be any re-taping etc.
The teacher and select students edit and string together all the raps in the order decided and come up with the final product for the class. Present the video to the class, use it for math review of facts. |