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Water Conservation Video Lab

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Earth Science, Information Skills, Service Learning, Science, Civics
Grades 8 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Columbia Central High School, Brooklyn, MI
Planned By: Kimberly Samson
Original Author: Kimberly Samson, Brooklyn
Please visit www.cchssamson.weebly.com under PROJECT GREEN for ready to print lesson plan worksheets

Water is Earth’s most essential resource! Without it we could not survive. Many countries and even some of our states are and will be facing a water shortage in the near future. You are to research what water causes water shortages and become an advocate for water conservation. You will promote water conservation by creating a Public Service Announcement Video for your community.

•HD Flip Camera
•Video Editing Software
•Optional – Light

Video Specifications
•The video must be on Water Conservation.
•Form groups of two to three students.
•Produce a video with the length between 30 and 60 seconds.
•Everyone in the group must have role during video production.
•All group members name must be listed in the credits.
•Video setting must involve the surrounding school community.
•Video must be creative and innovative.

Video Grading
•Teacher will grade the video’s corresponding to the specific points your group earned on the rubric that you received. The teacher will choose the best three videos out of every hour. The following day, each class will watch the top 3 videos from every class and vote which one they think is the best overall video and record their results on a scoring sheet. Every student will rate each video they see on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being the favorite video and 1 being the least favorite video)
•The Winner of the contest will get a Prize or Extra Credit (Teacher’s Choice).

Links for Research

Please look at the following links for research prior to making your video. You may use any site you would like if you do see anything of interest in the ones listed below. You must include any and all references during your credits on the video.



Category 4
Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points

Creativity Video show a large amount of creativity and must be original. Video shows some parts of originality and some new ideas. The video shows very little thought and little creativity.
The video shows nothing when coming to the subject of new thoughts and original thoughts.

All requirements
•Time length
•Video file

The time length was succeed by a second or so, or the file quality was not the full quality that it needed to be.

The time length was not succeeded and the file quality was not full. All other requirements were met.

Most of the contest requirements were not met at all.

Technical Quality

The video of the highest quality. Transitions and edits are smooth.

Video of high quality.

Video of good quality. The sound is reasonably balanced.

Video of poor quality.

Overall Presentations

Video has is strongly liked. The presenters are ready for their presentations.

Video is liked and the presenters are almost ready to present the video.

Video is average and does not stand out.

Video has absolutely no appeal and is not significant in any way.


Audio in the video is really understandable and heard easily.

Audio in the video is understandable.

Audio is poor and not heard very easy.

Audio is very poor and can barely be heard.


Video editing is really good and is done very well.

Video editing is decent. Editing of the video is poor and isn’t done well.

Video editing is very poor.

Team Members Names: ______________________________________________
Total Points 24 x 2 (multiplier) = 48
Your point total _________________ x 2 __________________

After watching the top three videos from each hour, please rank each video with the point system listed below in the following table.

10 points – 1st Place
5 points – 2nd Place
3 points – 3rd Place

Class Period Group Points


Please visit www.cchssamson.weebly.com (Water Conservation Video) for full lesson plan worksheets!
Materials: Flip Video, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Authoring and Publishing, Video Tools
Other Items: 5 Lights, $15.00 each, total of $75.00
10 Video Editing Software, $199.99 each, total of $1999.90
1 Camera Bag, $49.99 each, total of $49.99