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Fe Chef

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Keywords: Food Chemistry
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Home Economics, Chemistry
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Oneonta Sr High School, Oneonta, NY
Planned By: Eileen Robbins
Original Author: Eileen Robbins, Oneonta
Target: Students in Physical Science class, grades 11,12
Objectives: At the end of this activity, students will be able to:
1. State which chemistry principles are associated with the recipe they follow.
2. Produce a video which shows how a food item is made and explains the "scientific whys"
Materials: Alton Brown videos, information on food chemistry, word wall of chemical/ science principles, materials specific to student -chosen recipes (ingredients and pans, measuring cups, etc.), flip video cameras
1. Upon completion of the Chemistry of Foods unit, students are assigned a project called "Fe Chef"
2. Students are given an outline of the procedure to follow:
Working in groups of 3:
a. Choose a recipe for a food that can be made in 30 minutes (excluding baking time, if needed)
b. List the ingredients and amount of each needed to make 4 servings. Give this market list to the teacher. Also provide a list of "hardware": measuring cups, mixing bowls, mixers, etc.
c. Identify 5 food science principles that are associated with this recipe. Describe each principle and state how it relates to the recipe.
d. Create a script and action plan, i.e., what is going to be narrated and what is happening during the narration.
e. Determine the jobs of each member of the group: 1) camera person 2) narrator 3) person carrying out the procedure
f. Run through your script and determine camera angles, timing, and other production elements.
g. Shoot your video, but remember:
1) The narrator must clearly articulate (no gum chewing!)
2) All ingredients should be laid out in measured quantities before hand. For example, does the butter need to be at room temperature or softened first?
3) Be mindful of the processes: There are scienctific reasons for sifting, creaming, folding, beating, whipping. Don't skip any steps in the recipe.
4) Have fun! Your enthusiasm will make a better product.
h. Edit the video: You may use elements like slow motion or speeding up, voice overs, music clips (less than 30 seconds), sound effects or anything else that adds to the product.
3. Bring a sample of the food itemand the rater card to an adult in this school. Have the adult taste the item and explain the five principles to him/her. Have the adult complete both sides of the card. If your rater agrees, you may also film this part to include in your product.
(The card includes categories for judging the food item and a chance for the rater to identify what he/she understands about the principles explained by the students. )
Rubrics can be made available
Students show their videos to the class and post them on my Teacher page. Students from the school vote on the videos and the group receiving the most votes is crowned the "Fe Chefs" (Iron chef)
Materials: Video Cameras, Flip Video, Video Tools, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, High, Authoring and Publishing, Integrating Technology