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Their Side Of The Story

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Keywords: Flip Video, Writing,
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Roundtown Elementary School, York, PA
Planned By: Amy Musone
Original Author: Amy Musone, York
Demonstrate creativity and innovation
Communicate and collaborate
Conduct research and use information
Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions
Use technology effectively and productively

State Standards: (PA)
Standard - 1.4.3.B: Write informational pieces using illustrations when relevant (e.g., descriptions, letters, reports, instructions).
Standard - 1.5.3.A: Write with a focus, with an understanding of topic, task, and audience
Standard - 1.5.3.B: Develop content appropriate for the topic. Gather and organize information, incorporating details relevant to the topic. Write a series of related sentences or paragraphs with one central idea.
Standard - 1.5.3.C: Organize writing in a logical order. Include a recognizable beginning, middle, and end
Standard - 1.5.3.D: Write, developing an awareness of style, using a variety of sentence structures, adjectives, precise nouns, and action verbs.
Standard - 1.5.3.E: Revise writing to improve detail and order by identifying missing information and determining whether ideas follow logically.
Standard - 1.6.3.A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions.
Standard - 1.6.3.B: Use appropriate volume and clarity in formal speaking presentations.
Standard - 1.9.3.A: Use media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.
Standard - 1.9.3.B: Understand media as a source of information and entertainment.

Video Clips
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAFTUuGqir0 (dog’s point of view)
(person’s point of view)
Flip Camera/s
Bike Helmet/s
Action Tripod for Flip Cameras

S’s will be introduced to short video clip about a dog at a park. S’s watch and discuss how what they saw in the video is quite similar to what they see when they watch dogs at local parks. We look at the dogs in the park from our point of view.

T will pose question: How do you think a dog sees the park? Share ideas and show students 2nd video clip showing the point of view of the dog in the park. Discuss whether or not they were surprised and what they noticed and “experienced” from a dog’s perspective.

T will tie in that dogs have a different “point of view” than people do and so do different individuals in our school. For example, the principal sees the same thing a student sees, but from a completely different point of view. S’s are going to experience how others experience life at our school.

Begin by brainstorming people/places they see people and wonder how those people “see” things.
Example: Cafeteria assistants helping kindergartners with lunch.
Parent Volunteer at the Ice Cream Social
Evening custodian cleaning the classroom

Introduce the method of the task:

Students will identify a person (people)/setting of whom they would like to learn what life is like from their point of view. Students may work in collaborative groups.

Students will send letters of request to the people they would like to record. The letter will request that the person wears a bike helmet with action tripod & Flip cam attached for a recording of approximately 5 minutes. The letter will also request a follow-up interview with the person to answer any questions student/s may have.

Upon permission, students will schedule a time where their person can wear the flip cam to record life from their point of view.

Students will download the video and review it, making note of what they found interesting/surprising/what didn’t surprise them/ what they learned from this/ what questions they still would like to have answered

Students will create follow-up questions to ask the person to gain better understanding of their point of view and meet with person.

Students will create voice-overs, titles, and transition to add commentary and insight to the video.

Videos will be uploaded onto a common web page (Google Site, Wikispace, etc.) to share with the school and community at large.

Students will include a reflective piece with the movie to explain what they have learned, what they expected or didn’t expect, explain how understanding different points of view is beneficial in life, and/or any other thoughts they have.

People’s whose point of view was being seen/heard will be asked to comment on student interpretation of their point of view.
This lesson plan could be used in middle and high school too.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson could be used with Guidance Counselors to examine different stakeholders points of view.
A premier could be organized for students to showcase their work.
Students can explore the possibility of how the same situation would be "seen" through a third party's point of view.
Materials: Flip Video, Microphones, Tripods, Headsets, Writing, Elementary, Authoring and Publishing, Video Tools, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 5 Flip Video™ Action Tripod, $24.99 each, total of $124.95
5 Bell® Children's Bike Helmet (1004626), $14.99 each, total of $74.95