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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Technology, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Service Learning
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mendenhall Middle School, Greensboro, NC
Planned By: Dorothy Rotchford
Original Author: Dorothy Rotchford, Greensboro
Notes: This lesson has been used as a culminating activity for a unit that covers geography and economics. Therefore, it is important that before using this lesson, students understand the five themes of geography, and basic economic terms such as supply and demand, GDP, GNP, life expectancy, literacy rate, infant mortality rate. Time frame: one 90 minute block lesson or two smaller block lessons
I. As students enter, have “It’s A Small World” playing on CD—discuss lyrics and make connections (most will refer to Disney movies!).
II. Begin by discussing each “Point to Ponder” with class as a group discussion
a. The united states will always be the most powerful nation
b. Land is power
c. Supply and demand ensure prosperity
d. A society’s advances will lead to its demise
e. We are living in exponential times
III. HOOK: distribute questionnaire 1 and have students complete it—assure students that wrong answers are ok—the questionnaire is merely to assess our own perception of how things are around the world. This can be done in small groups, or answered individually and then shared in small groups
IV. Distribute questionnaire 2 and tell students to think of the world being shrunk to a small village of only 100 people. Keeping all ratios the same what would it look like? Again, they are giving their best guess here. This can be done individually or they may work in small groups to complete the questionnaire.
V. Divide class into small groups at this point.
a. Either create a spreadsheet with the class or have one created ahead of time. If a computer lab is not accessible, print out a spreadsheet and distribute almanacs for student use.
b. Column headers include: Per capita GDP, life expectancy, infant death rate, population growth, adult literacy, percentage of workers in agriculture, and energy consumption.
c. Row headers include: US, India, Japan, Korea, China, Africa, Russia, Mexico.
d. Complete information and teach students how to sort data according to different indicators.
i. As students sort data by indicators, ask them to notice which countries change as #1—Ask them to explain reasons why they think this is so. Why does such disparity exist? Record answers on chart paper or white board.
ii. Explain that these are key indicators for deciding whether a country is developed or developing.
iii. Have students decide which countries would they consider developed, developing or highly developed?
VI. Using an overhead projector, lap top or provide students with the following link to watch the following video (have students refer to Questionnaire 2—if all watching separately, headphones should be used (Ipods can also be used for this with earbuds)
–This should probably be watched twice. First time—just watch. The second time, have students answer as many questions as possible and record any “AHA’s or “Wow” facts as students watch the video—share with class
a. When finished, have students go to www.100people.org/statistics_1--stats.php=statistics to record any missing answers.
b. Next, go to http://www1.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=118&title=Did_You_Know___by_Karl_Fisch and have students complete remaining questionnaire. Then, have students rate how well their perception matched reality. Discuss responses in small groups and then as whole class.
VII. Pass out lyrics to “It’s a Small World” and play for final time. Have students discuss in small groups final thoughts and have one person report to class.
VIII. Review Points To Ponder.
IX. Give each student three index cards to create a message to the world. Students can only write one word on each card. The three cards should show integration of literal information they learned from research, statistics, and emotional and global impact of video. Record responses using FLIP videos. Record each small group, and then have each group complete a video with background music to post to wikispace
X. Along with the videos, students should be encouraged to write poetry, answer discussion questions on the wikispace page created by the teacher
XI. Teachers should take pictures of students working and collaborating using the FLIP video during the course of the lesson to post to the wikispace.
XII. FLIP videos can also be used to record interviews with students, record student responses during discussions and then have students create a multimedia presentation utilizing video from FLIP video
questionnaire 1 answer sheet
questionnaire 2
questionnaire 2 answer sheet
questionnaire 1
Links: teachertube Village of 100
teachertube Did You Know?
Materials: Flip Video