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Custodial Video Modeling

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Keywords: Flip Video and custodial training
Subject(s): Reading, Biology, Service Learning, Math, Chemistry
Grade 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Community-based Transition Center, Paw Paw, MI
Planned By: William Nelson
Original Author: William Nelson, Paw Paw
At the Community-based Transition center students varying form CI, LD to AI learns the skills necessary to be a custodian. If a student wants to learn how to be a custodian they will get step by step visual aides as well as solid video modeling on how to clean every part of our building from staff offices to student bathrooms. At the CTC we are very unique as our students run the building form ground maintenance, general repairs to cleaning every facet of the building.
Each student starts out with his/her portfolio detailing everything that is required to pass our custodial program.

For example, training students on the Adphibian floor cleaning machine which is commercial floor cleaning machine used all over the industry. First of all, each student goes through the basics of the machine, the switches, rollers, cleaning tank, etc. They get a view of the skeleton of the machine as we take it apart and assemble it piece by piece. Illustrating the parts that are hard to clean, dis-assemble, etc.

Secondly, we review the owner’s manual together while getting hands on instruction with the machine present. When we have reviewed the material I utilize a past student using the machine while the trainee watches and observes. As the student progresses, he/she is able to use the machine for a certain of time to get comfortable with the controls, etc. However, the student is only allowed to observe a student or staff until the student feels comfortable with the controls.

Furthermore, we utilize Flip video to record the whole process in detail to further develop the understanding of the floor cleaning machine. Prior to videoing each student, the student is required to watch other student video's of the process. We try to incorporate each student in their own training video to assist them in remembering each and every step. We also make sure to utilize Flip video's for do's and do not's of the machine. With making sure to incorporate visual aides, video modeling and active participation each student is trained the correct way every time and will often find themselves landing a job as our school custodian.

This is just one area that we utilize Flip videos for. We also utilize this within our commercial kitchen for cooking, cleaning, commercial dishwasher, etc. Our building was just built one year ago and it is a truly unique learning environment
THis is truly a unique experience and I don' t believe there is a building quite like ours. It is student led and student run.
Continuing training, peer tutoring, teaming, and collaboration/communication. Students actually become the trainer and we assist with their training. Offers a great experience as students with special needs become the teacher/trainer.
Materials: Flip Video, CDs and DVDs, Headsets, Large Pro Monitors, Clip Art, Screen Capture, Video Tools, Autism, Cause and Effect