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Captured at the Farm

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Keywords: digital cameras, farm animals, flip cameras, Super 3,
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Early Learning, Special Needs, Writing, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Science
Grades K through 2
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Clearmont Elementary School, Green Mtn, NC
Planned By: Dawn Robinson
Original Author: Dawn Robinson, Green Mtn
North Carolina Standard Course of Study Goals for Kindergarten:
Goal 1: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of similarities and differences in animals.
1.02 Observe how animals interact with their surroundings.
1.03 Observe the behaviors of several common animals.
1.04 Demonstrate how to care for a variety of animals.
Goal 2: The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.
2.02 Identify, discuss, and use word processing as a tool to enter letters, numbers and words.
2.03 Identify, locate and use special keys (e.g., arrow keys, space bar, Shift, Enter/Return, Backspace, Delete), letters, and numbers on the keyboard.
2.04 Use multimedia software to identify and practice letters, numbers, shapes, and colors as a class/group. (5)
2.05 Use teacher-selected Internet resources/information to explore, identify, and discuss responsible use as a class activity. (6)
Language Arts
Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.03 Use words that describe color, size, and location in a variety of texts: e.g., oral retelling, written stories, lists, journal entries of personal experiences.
4.04 Maintain conversation and discussions:
attending to oral presentations.
taking turns expressing ideas and asking questions.
Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.
5.01 Develop spelling strategies and skills by:
representing spoken language with temporary and/or conventional spelling.
writing most letters of the alphabet.
analyzing sounds in a word and writing dominant consonant letters.
North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Second Grade:
Language Arts
Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.
5.06 Use correctly in written products:
letter formation, lines, and spaces to create readable documents.
plural forms of commonly used nouns.
common, age - appropriate contractions.
Goal 2: The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.
2.09 Identify and use multimedia tools to combine text and graphics as a class/group assignment. (5)
2.10 Identify, discuss, and cite resources for a class/group multimedia project. (5)
2.11 Modify/edit an existing linear/sequential multimedia story to include student narration as a class/group activity. (5)
Items needed for the project:
Digital cameras (3-5 or more, if possible)
Flip cameras (3-5 or more, if possible)
students in groups of 3-4
Photostory download on computer lab computers
CD-Rs to save project for students
Computer lab scheduled time with second grade class
Scheduled time with local farm to take kindergarten class on a field trip.
Permission slips for students to be photographed/videotaped and used in class project.
Permission slips for students to go on field trip experience.
Word Wall Cards with farm vocabulary words on them.
websites needed are listed with the activities below

(Day 1) Build interest
Essential questions:
What is a farm?
What is life like on a farm?
How would a farm be different without animals?
Discuss questions/responses with students. Show photos of various types of farms. Create word wall word cards to display during this unit. "cow", "tractor", "animals", "pig", "farmer", "harvest", "garden", "planting", "milk", "butter", "cheese", "soap", etc. Discuss meanings of each words chosen/selected.
Students can complete the favorite farm animal graph taken from:
Students can sing "The Farmer in the Dell" song to build their interest in the farm.
YouTube: "Old McDonald Farm Scenery" can be shared in class
They can play "Duck Duck Goose" during PE selecting different farm animals.
(Day 3)
Scheduled computer lab time for the following:
Go on a virtual field trip with your class
Review word wall cards.
(Day 5)
Build excitement by telling students they will be visiting a real farm. Go over the basic instructions to use the cameras/flip cameras. Create cards to go inside the protective carrying cases.

When applicable, on the trip:
Students will be capturing the moments about the life on the farm. Life can be animals, gardens, butter, cheese, soap, etc. Anything that represents "living" on a farm. Upon arriving back at school, have the computer lab assistant/classroom assistants download all photos into a shared drive labeled "farm" so that students can import their photos into Photostory. Schedule a computer lab time that kindergarteners can partner up with second graders to complete this project. Kindergarten students will import their favorite photo/video from the share drive "farm". They will label their photo. Second grade students will ask the kindergartener something that he/she would like to say about the photo/video and type this in for the kindergarten student. Thus, second grade will be learning something about farm life, as well. Second graders can access the website www.blabberize.com to bring sound into the project by making the photo "talk". Students may also add music to their projects, if desired. This project will take more than two days to complete. Students can burn their project onto CD-R with the help of lab assistants to take home.
Upon completion of the project, kindergarten students can go back and look at their essential questions to see if/how their initial answers would change.

Students can create a link to their classroom webpage to include this digital storybook created by them and the assistance of the second grade students.
Materials: Whiteboards, Mobile Labs, Video Cameras, Flip Video, Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Projector Screens, Microphones, CDs and DVDs, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, LCD Monitors, Mice, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Elementary, Early Learning, Keyboarding, Animation, Integrating Technology