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Legacy Project: Using Flip Cameras to Connect Generations

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Wahlert High School, Dubuque, IA
Planned By: Scott Scheuerell
Original Author: Scott Scheuerell, Dubuque
Ms. Barb Ressler, an English teacher at Wahlert High School, came up with the idea to submit a proposal for this grant. The lesson is based on ideas from the Legacy Project found at the following Internet link: http://www.legacyproject.org/about/index.html

The students will be able to compare and contrast their life experiences to the lives of the senior citizens they interview using the flip cameras. In particular, the Legacy Project provides students with sample questions they can ask. The sample questions are divided into three categories. Please note the three categories of questions include: 1) Childhood, 2) Adulthood/Identity, and 3)The Present, Aging, Life Lessons and Legacies. Examples of questions about childhood include "What's your first, most vivid memory?" and "How did your family compare to others in the neighborhood-richer, poorer, the same?" Some examples of questions from the Adulthood/Identity category include "What was your first job? What did you like or not like about it?" and "What do you think are your three best qualities? Your three worst?" Finally, examples of questions from the Present, Aging, Life Lessons and Legacies category include the following: "How have your goals changed throughout your life?" and "What do you remember about your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's?"

The Loras College Education Department has partnered with Wahlert High School in a PDS (Professional Development School) program. As a result, secondary education students from Loras are partnered with a teacher at Wahlert and take a General Secondary Methods course on-site at the school. The Loras students also provide service hours during the semester long experience. Due to this initiative, the Loras students are eager to participate by facilitating this lesson with the flip cameras in Ms. Ressler's classroom. In particular, since there will be many students using the cameras and they will need assistance learning how to use them. Interestingly, the Loras students are also learning about ways to integrate educational technology into the classroom this semester. They have been specifically learning about the need to use constructivist approaches when using educational technology in the classroom. In addition, they have been reading about a concept called Mindtools, a research based approach to utilizing technology in the classroom, developed by David Jonassen at the University of Missouri.

In summary, our lesson plan proposal will greatly benefit multiple partners. The high school students at Wahlert HIgh School will have the opportunity to use the flip cameras with the senior citizens they interview. During these interviews, they will be guided by the questions from the Legacy Project and learn many important life lessons. Moreover, the initiative will help the high school students build connections with senior citizens in their community. In addition, the Loras College education students will have a first-hand opportunity to work side-by-side with Ms. Ressler's students and learn how to use the flip cameras. Consequently, they will be able to use flip cameras in their future classroom by using what they have learned from this valuable experience.
This lesson plan will fulfill many of the standards found in the Iowa Core Curriculum. These include: 1) Incorporates technology as a tool to enhance writing, 2) Participates in a variety of communication situations, and 3) Listens for information and ideas.
Materials: Flip Video, Literacy