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Flip and Soar

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Keywords: Flip Video, whiteboards, microphones, PA systems, DVD/VCR players, printers, flash/UBB drives, tripods, memory cards, worksheets, student resources,
Subject(s): Social Skills, Autism, Early Learning, Dyslexia, Special Needs, Speech and Language
Grades P-K through 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Old Village Special Ed School, Northville, MI
Planned By: Katharine McEvoy
Original Author: Katharine McEvoy, Northville
The purpose of the lesson is to develop and strengthen the positive behavior supports of safety, respect, and responsibility. We will use video modeling as a vehicle to explicitly teach examples of preferred as well as undesirable behaviors in a variety of settings. We must be sure that our positive behavior support concepts are reflected well and consistently so that the skills may be taught and transferred to a variety of settings. The use of the video to model respect, responsibility, and safety would be invaluable. The video will allow us to emphasize salient social cues, specific communicative behavior, and proper sequence for how the behavior should look from start to finish. The video will allow the learner to memorize, imitate, generalize, and adapt the targeted behavior. The students will be able to see that they have provided their own examples of positive behavior due to their united efforts.
Using video modeling is a proactive approach and places a support in place that is likely to enhance success for all students. Why multiple cameras? The more cameras available, the greater the likelihood of achieving social learning among all students. Video modeling is extremely effective for students whose greatest learning modality is maximized through observation of their own behavior. Most special needs students do not instinctively gather information from their environment, therefore the video would serve as a segue for imitation and generalization of the desired behavior. Using the PBS principle of respect in the lunch room for example would have a student modeling appropriate positive language, and using good manners. (eye contact, please, thank you) Being responsible in the lunch room would have a student cleaning up after themselves, and keeping their own lunch food in their own personal space. Being safe in the lunchroom would have a student keeping hands, feet, and objects to themselves, walking at a safe pace, and having permission to leave the table. The positive behavior expectations of respect, responsibility and safety would be demonstrated and applied in a variety of settings including the bathroom, office, hallway, in the community, on the playground and on the bus.
We have a video that was created from a borrowed FLIP camera ( another staff member) that demonstrates a student in our program modeling PBS. It is available for you to view.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Cross curricular ideas include anything instructional for our students whose greatest learning modality is visual with some auditory.
Materials: Flip Video