Flippin' For CJH-A Video Presentation of Our Campus Page Views: 2408
Flippin’ For CJH A Video Presentation of Our Campus
Course Title: 8th Grade Computer Literacy Instructor: Mrs. Alice Bone Evaluation Method: Rubric and Peer Review Total Time Required: (5-7) 45-minute Computer Literacy class periods Max. # of Students: 4-6 students per camera
Performance Objectives Using Flip video cameras students will learn digital multimedia production priciples, video and audio editing, Fair Use guidelines, planning, and organizing while collaborating with class members to create an original descriptive and informative product that accurately defines Canton Jr. High School to incoming 6th grade students, their families, and new students to the district and to website visitors.
Standard: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills 126.12(c):1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 Students at end of this lesson will be able to: • Import and edit videos in a video editing software program-MovieMaker • Import and edit audio in a video or audio editing software program • Add title, credit and transition slides • Gain a working knowledge of Fair Use Policy Guidelines as it pertains to creating an original work for educational only purposes • Export and publish a video product • Communicate and collaborate on the development and decision making required in a creative process • Use new terminology more effectively • Create an original collaborative product
Lesson Plan Body Day 1
Introduction of video presentation project to class •Think back to when you first came to CJH either as a 6th grader or as a new student. •Did you feel uncomfortable, lost maybe a bit fearful? •What if you had had a video that you could watch beforehand to familiarize yourself with the campus?
Lesson Purpose: •Provide information thru discussion and handouts so that the student feels comfortable with the goals, expectations and execution of the project. Lesson Execution: 1. Distribute and discuss instructions and storyboard sheets. 2. View examples of past presentations done in Photo Story 3 and PowerPoint. Point out positives and negatives of each example. 3. Discuss the expectations for the project. 4. Discuss what is involved in a multimedia/video production. a. Storyline-the purpose or message b. Storyboard to plan the scenes of the project, props and draft a script. This is due by next class period. c. Jobs or responsibilities of each team member. Possible jobs-actor, editor, writer, camera person, narrator 5. Divide into groups to collaborate and work on storyboard.
Day 2
Lesson Purpose: • Teach students about Fair Use Guidelines in obtaining materials (music, images) for use in multimedia production for educational purposes. • Teach by demonstration and hands on instruction the proper use and care of the Flip Video camera. Lesson Execution: 1. Discuss Fair Use Guidelines in obtaining materials (music, images) for use in multimedia production for educational purposes. Project will need Works Cited and Credits slides. Review using Creative Commons site and searching with advanced features for those items labeled for reuse or public domain. Share the following sites for students to visit to add music and /or pictures: www.freeplaymusic.com and www.flickr.com . 2. Distribute Flip video cameras 1/group. Go over thoroughly how to use and care for the camcorder. Use the Flip Camera diagram handouts to help with the new terminology. Discuss the maintenance, use and checkout policies for the Flip. 3. While groups are planning their shoots, writing scripts, discussing and gathering music and images, teacher circulates correcting and grading storyboards.
Day 3
Lesson Purpose: Learning to work a plan and use the video camera responsibly, effectively and efficiently.
Lesson Execution: 1. Students begin shooting the scenes for their video. They must practice time management, decorum and responsibility as they move about the campus. They must not disturb other classes. 2. They must return to the classroom no later than 35 minutes, as they will need to export the footage to Movie Maker before class ends.
Day 4
Lesson Purpose: • Teach students how to use Movie Maker to create a multimedia product. The student will learn about frames, timelines, splitting clips, adding transitions and effects, music, text, narration etc.
Lesson Execution: 1. Demonstrate using interactive board and projector how to edit in Movie Maker. Discuss Movie Maker’s features-timeline, storyboard, effects, narration, transitions, editing tools etc. 2. Students review their footage and begin editing and importing stills if needed and music for the background. 3. Required elements: Title, Credits, Work Cited slides plus use of effects, transitions, music and narrations
Days 5,6 and 7 (if needed)
Lesson Purpose: • Review students in audio editing using Audacity • Students will learn how to export and publish a multimedia product .
Lesson Execution: 1. The first 10minutes of class review how to edit audio in Audacity and save as a .wav to export into their video project. 2. Students continue to work at finishing their project. 3. Completed projects presented to the class. Classmates will evaluate each project and provide constructive criticism. The top videos sent to the Principal to be used in her presentation to the current 5th grade students and parents. All videos will be uploaded on the school’s web site for visitors to view. 4. Discuss activity with students and get their feedback. What did they learn? What did they like/dislike about the project? How would they improve it? 5. Return evaluations to groups and allow them to improve their videos before uploading to the web site. Student Instructions Flippin’ For CJH A Video Presentation of Our Campus
Do you remember when you first thought about coming to CJH? Did you wonder how you would be able to get from class to class in just 4 minutes? Would you ever have recess again? How do you know where the cafeteria is located? These are some of the questions we all have when we go to a new campus. In this project, you will be able to address these questions and more, as you create a multimedia product that shows visitors and new students around our campus. Your finished video will be on the web site in the video gallery for visitors to view. You will learn how to use a Flip video camera, edit video using Windows Movie Maker, and work again in Audacity for audio editing. This is a collaborative project and the rubric below shows how your group’s grade will be determined. Have fun and be creative with this as you show off CJH. Have you thought of a music video? In the video, you need to have footage or an image of the cafeteria, gym, floors, office area, library, classrooms, our principal, our assistant principal and some students and teachers. Additional appropriate scenes are your choice. In the folder, abone there are some stills of some of these if you want to use them. Discuss how you want your tour of the school to go among your team members and assign duties and responsibilities. For example, which of the team members will be the tour guide or will each of you be for certain areas; who will be responsible for directing, filming, editing, or writing the script. You must have a plan and commit it to your storyboard; this is due at our next class meeting. On the storyboard, you will note the order of the scenes, who is speaking and what, if any props are needed etc. When you begin filming, you do not have to film the scenes in the order they will appear in the video because that is part of the editing process. Always record more than you think you will need and then edit out what you do not need. Please refer to the rubric below often so you will not miss any points on your project. Remember every member of your team will receive the same grade and this is a major grade.
Rubric: Flippin' For CJH Video Project
Storyboard (20 pts.) Required scenes and slides are present and correct (Title, Works Cited, Credits) (25pts.)
Appropriate use of effects, transitions and fonts (10 pts.) Audio (narration and music) is appropriate, clear and well edited (15pts.)
The video is well edited, creative, informative and entertaining (20 pts.)
Fair Use guidelines followed and Works Cited is correctly noted in video (10 pts.) Total and Comments:
Peer Evaluation:
Student Evaluation of Flippin’ For CJH-Please list positive comments and constuctive suggestions for your classmates in the following areas:
Group Members:
The video is well edited, creative, informative and entertaining
Audio (narration and music) is appropriate, clear and well edited
Required scenes and slides are present and correct (Title, Works Cited, Credits)
Appropriate use of effects, transitions and fonts |