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Persuasive Elements Commercials

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Keywords: Persuasive Commercials, Flip Video
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Ft Clarke Middle School, Gainesville, FL
Planned By: Jared Feria
Original Author: Jared Feria, Gainesville
We began the unit by studying ten primary persuasive elements. Students learned the key parts of commercials. They also analyzed different types of products and commercials, including what persuasive elements were used and the intended audience for each commercial.

After differentiating groups based on gender and writing strengths, I broke my classes into small groups of 4-5 students. They then participated in a KAGAN activity called Jot Thoughts, where they brainstormed products and voted on a favorite.

Day 1: Tips in Getting Started

TIP 1: Write an audio/video script. The script should be two columns. One column will be for video, describing everything your audience sees, and the other will be for audio, describing what your audience hears. Having a script not only saves time by letting you know exactly what you will be shooting for your commercial, but also by allowing you to determine what sound effects, locations and actors you'll need.

TIP 2: Focus the message of your commercial. Use visual effects to highlight the subject of your product. Pay attention to lighting and details. Consider you camera angles. If the commercial is about food, make sure you capture the sound of the food sizzling. If you're making a commercial about a cold drink, choose a setting that would put the audience in a thirsty frame of mind. The sun beating down on people sweating in the sun with a bottle of the soft drink sitting in a nearby bed of ice is a good idea. The juxtaposition of the two opposing elements brings the message to the forefront.

TIP 3: Grab the audience's attention up front with an image or tag line that will make them pay attention, inform them about the subject of the commercial and engage them with a mini story. Humor in a commercial is always a good way to keep an audience around.

Days 2-4 Objectives:
–Research your brand and product.
–Draft your script.
–List props/equipment needed.
–Make sure you integrate your four persuasive techniques into your script.

Day 5 Objectives:
–Revise/Edit script (final touches).
–Practice script.
–Final check on supplies and props.

Days 6-8 Objectives:
-Map out your camera angles and locations.
–Groups film commercials

Days 9-10 Objectives:
-Post production software editing.
-Reshoot scene(s) if necessary.

Days 11-12 Objectives:
-Watch all peer videos.
-Complete project reflection sheets.
-Complete GLOW/GROW encouragement cards for each commercial team.
-Evaluate Ms. Treemont's class commercials based on persuasive element criteria.

Students will be graded based on the following rubric:
1.Time: Did your group stay within the time limit of 1-2 minutes?
2.Creativity: How inventive and unique was your commercial?
3.Equal Effort: Was everyone in the group involved?
4.Persuasion: Did your group use at least 4 persuasive techniques in your commercial?

Materials: Clip Art, Slideshow, Art Tools, Keyboards, Memory Cards, Tripods, Printers, Video Tools, Projector Screens, Flip Video, Video Cameras, Animation, Dyslexia, Speech and Language