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Shake it up…Cisne!

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Geography, Writing, Music, Earth Science, Science, Drama
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Cisne Middle School, Cisne, IL
Planned By: Melissa Slobodzian
Original Author: Melissa Slobodzian, Cisne
Students will know earthquake terminology.
Students will research an earthquake and be able to tell pertinent information about it.
Students will use technology to increase their understanding of earthquakes.
Students’ use of technology will increase with the use of Flip UltraHD™ 1 hour video cameras.

Illinois State Standards:

State Goal 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences.
Standard 12E: Know and apply concepts that describe the features and processes of the Earth and its resources.
12.4.32 Understand that the surface of the earth changes. Know that some changes are due to slow processes (e.g., erosion, weathering), whereas others are due to sudden events (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, asteroid impacts).
12.4.35 Understand that movement in parts of the earth's crust causes earthquakes.
12.7.79 Understand that the theory of plate tectonics explains the formation and movement of the earth's plates. Understand that the similar contours of the continents, seafloor spreading, and the location of frequent earthquakes and volcanoes provide evidence for plate tectonics.
12.7.80 Understand that movements of the earth's continental and oceanic plates have affected the distribution of living things on Earth. Understand that major earthquake and volcanic activity can give rise to new mountain ranges, severing different species from each other, which from then on undergo independent lines of gradual change, each adapting to its own, new ecosystem

State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
Standard 3A: Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and structure.
Standard 3B: Compose well organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences.
Standard 3C: Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.

Social Science
State Goal 17 – Geography
17.8.16 Compare the causes and effects of natural hazards that occur in Illinois with those occurring in other states.

Fine Arts
State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced.
Standard A: Understand processes, traditional tools and modern technologies used in the arts.
26.A.3b Drama: Describe the use of the primary tools (body, mind and voice) and the support tools (costumes, scenery, props, lights, make-up, sound) to convey an idea through acting, playwriting and designing a drama or theatre activity.

Lesson Plan Description:
The teacher will introduce earthquake vocabulary (fault, epicenter, seismograph, tectonic plates, etc.) along with a discussion of safety drills and safety kit suggestions. The class will go to the computer lab to conduct research on an earthquake using http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/. From this website, students will choose a recent earthquake and find out these details: magnitude, location (longitude/latitude), depth, region, distance from other cities, and other relevant facts pertaining to the earthquake. The fifth graders will use this information to write a script as they have seen on the news. Each student will be assigned a part in an earthquake broadcast. The parts include being a meteorologist, anchor person, reporter, eyewitnesses, interviewer, interviewee, teacher, and students. Students will be responsible for writing and performing scripts, preparing costumes and props, along with recording and editing the broadcast. The fifth grade band will play intro and exit music and the choir will sing the slogan. The following is an example script.
1) Band plays into music
2) Choir sings slogan “Shake it up…Cisne!”
3) Anchor person talks about Earthquake in Western Kentucky.
“Today, March 25, 2011, at 10:12 pm an earthquake, measuring 2.4 was
reported by the Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network. The earthquake
was 6 miles southwest of Paducah, KY. Our reporter John Smith is in
Paducah talking to eyewitnesses.”
4) John Smith gives a brief synopsis of what he has observed and interviews two
eyewitnesses. Eyewitness 1 & 2 describes what they felt/happened.
5) John Smith visits local school to interview teacher and students about their
safety plan --students’ demonstrate what they would do during an earthquake.
6) Anchorperson introduces meteorologist.
7) Meteorologist (using SMART Board) discusses Richter scale, fault lines, tectonic
plates, etc.
8) Anchorperson introduces Jane Black and her special guest.
9) Jane Black interviews the special guest about what every family should have in
place -- safety plan, safety kit, etc.
10) Anchorperson signs off for the evening.
11) Band plays exit music.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson incorporates many core subjects along with fine arts and technology.
After the editing is complete, parents will be invited in to view the earthquake broadcast.
A meteorologist will be invited into the classroom to further discuss earthquakes and answer questions.
Students will continue checking the website to keep up to date on current earthquakes.
Students will also make sure that they have a safety plan and safety kit at home.
Materials: Flip Video