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Moving the Brain

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Health and PE
Grades 5 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Apache Elementary School, Overland Park, KS
Planned By: sue stinson
Original Author: sue stinson, Overland Park
Lesson will take place in Physical Education class.

Lesson objective: Students will design and perform short exercise routines to be video taped.

Previous lessons involve teaching the students the proper form and exercising which will include stretching, aerobic endurance, flexibility, uppper body strength, and lower body strength. In addition, students will be taught how to edit their movies if necessary.

Working in groups of 3 the students will accomplish the following:
1. design a 2 minute exercise routine incorporating proper components of fitness
2. practice the routine until the group is ready to perform it
3. write a script which provides the proper cues for each exercise
4. each student in the group will have one of these jobs: videographer, director, actor
a. the videographer will be responsible for operating the camera
b. the director will be responsible for holding the script for the actor
c. the actor will be the student performing the routine in front of the camera
5. each group will film their routine once they are ready
6. after the routine has been filmed the students will go to the computer to edit their videos
7. finally students will finallize their movie and save it
8. once all the movies have been edited and completed there will be a preview of all movies for the students

These movies will then be upload to our schools drive which every teacher in our school has access to. Each group of students will visit a different classroom to share their project. This will involve:
1. talking to the classroom teacher and class about the purpose of the project
2. showing the teacher where to locate the videos
3. opening a video and leading the class in following the routine on the video

Studies show that students need to physically move every 15 minutes to optimize learning and retention. We want these short routines that will be developed during physical education class to be easy to use for the classroom teachers. They will be able to start a video any time their class needs to move to get the blood flowing to their brains!

With 10 cameras we could have a whole class working on this project at the same time.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
We will utilize the computer lab to edit our videos.
If it is possible we will include a new video each week in our schools video announcements so that all students will start the day with a few minutes of moving.

We will be able to add more and more videos to our video series and keep an archive.
Materials: Flip Video