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Tutorial Videos

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Math, Grammar, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Special Needs
Grades K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Carl A Furr Elementary School, Concord, NC
Planned By: Rebekah Allen
Original Author: Rebekah Allen, Concord
Just ask any passionate parent about helping their students with school assignments and you'll hear the same cry..."I really want to help Johnny with his math homework, but I don't remember how to do it," or "The way we learned it back when I was in school is not how they do it now." And have you ever hear the children cry, "...but, that's not the way my teacher told me to do it." Tutorial videos will be our saving grace.

Our school plans to use tutorial videos to pull our community of learners together. We will create a homework help page where students, parents and staff can go to access videos on key learning concepts.

Teachers and students will make and provide tutorial videos based on areas of need observed in the classroom, ie. Double digit multiplication, fractions, and reading skills. These videos will be posted on our website for student and parent access.

Tutorial videos provide a way for our school to reach out and remind students of vital learning even when class time is completed. By having availability to them on home computers or at the public library, students will be able to access these concepts for a second time. These videos will provide students reinforcement with mathematical steps or reading skills taught in class.

Students will be able to view teachers teaching or other students explaining key concepts. We will use the videos as an intervention in class as well, allowing students to use our class computers for additional help.
A few teachers have been experimenting with tutorial videos in math already. Students have been impacted and parent comments have been supportive and positive. This page is for the benifit of all our students on the school home page. Videos will be categorized by grade level and broken down by subject within that grade level. These tutorial videos are to pull our community of learners together. All grade levels/ special area teachers will have access to a Flip camera.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Math, reading, grammar, and spelling videos will be created for community access.
A follow-up survey will be sent to parents, staff, and students to evaluate the effectiveness, time management, class support, and teacher usage within the classroom.
Links: http://www.ccsweb.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/education/page/download.php?fileinfo=Q29tcGFyZSBGcmFjdGlvbnM6Ojovd3d3MTAvc2Nob29scy9uYy9jYWJhcnJ1cy9pbWFnZXMvYXR0YWNoLzEwNzg1My83MjQ5MV8xMDc4NTNfYXR0YWNoXzE2Mjc2Lm00dg==
Materials: Tripods, Flip Video