Shot Composition Video Page Views: 5101
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Keywords: video editing, iMovie, Garageband, Flip Video, shot composition |
Subject(s): Technology, Video |
Grades 9 through 12 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Manning Jr Sr High School, Manning, IA |
Planned By: Judy Jacobsen |
Original Author: Judy Jacobsen, Manning |
Each student will open a website called AtomicLearning.com and open the Video Storytelling Guide. As the teacher discusses each camera shot, movement, or angle and shows example videos on an LCD projector, students will write down the description of each on a worksheet provided by the teacher. Students will then list an example (in picture or word form) of each shot, movement, or angle. After the teacher has evaluated this worksheet, the students will use this worksheet to assist them with the Shot Composition video.
Students will be given a rubric that includes 22 camera shots, movements, and angles. They will be divided into groups based upon the number of students and the number of cameras.
Each group will choose the subject of the shot that shows a clear example of the shot, movement, or angle. For example, shot 10 is a shot with a distracting background and shot 16 is a pan movement. Students must choose appropriate subjects for each shot and practice proper camera techniques when filming. Students will also be responsible for presenting an introduction/description of the shot on camera. Each member of the group will be required to use the camera to shoot both shots and introductions as well as present equal numbers of introductions before the camera.
Each student will upload their group's camera footage to iMovie on their own computer. Each student will then create his or her own movie. The movie will include a title and name slide at the beginning. Then, the 22 shots will be presented in order according to the rubric. Each shot sequence will include a title, the introduction footage, and the example shot. Transitions will be used between sections and sequences. Students may add sounds from iMovie.
After shot 11 is completed, students will exchange computers and use a copy of the rubric to evaluate another student's movie. They will fill in the rubric as if they were the teacher grading it and will be encouraged to add written comments to the rubric in order to help improve their classmate's movie. The completed rubric will then be given to the student and they may make changes based upon their classmate's suggestions.
After students have completed editing the entire movie, each will share the movie into QuickTime. The QuickTime movie will be uploaded into Garageband where students will use music downloaded from a copyright free website that our school subscribes to called Soundzabound. They will then add music to the entire presentation, making sure the introductions are clearly heard and the music transitions smoothly. If they added sounds from iMovie, they will need to adjust track volumes accordingly. Again, the completed movie with sound will be shared to QuickTime.
Each student will upload his or her completed QuickTime movie onto a Weebly website created for each student in the class in order to turn it in for evaluation to the teacher. |
Comments |
To see additional videos that have been uploaded to each student's Weebly page, I have included a link below. The password for each student is Wolves (capital W). Scroll down his or her assignment page to find the video.
I did include direct links to three different students' videos uploaded to Vimeo, as requested. The Vimeo password is Wolves11 (capital W) |
Cross-Curriculum Ideas |
Create video to detail each class. Create a video registration handbook for students to use to choose classes for future years.
Create video to advertise each extra-curricular activity. Use to promote activity to incoming freshmen
Follow-Up |
Record band/choir concerts, athletic events, plays/musicals. Download to iMovie and edit with titles, transitions, and sound. Add titles, song titles, and credits where necessary. Reproduce for parents, teachers, and students.
Video Yearbook. Students are assigned a specific school activity. Record video and take digital photos of events. Upload to iMovie and create movie/slideshow. Add titles, transitions, sound, and credits. Combine all students videos into one DVD using iDVD. Reproduce for students.
Links: |
Link to student example 1 (Password Wolves11) Link to student example 2 (Password Wolves11) Link to student example 3 (Password Wolves11) Link to student websites (password Wolves)
Materials: |
Flash/USB Drives, Cables, Memory Cards, Batteries, Tripods, Camera Bags, Video Tools, Flip Video, Flash Memory Camcorders, Authoring and Publishing, Music, Internet Services |