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Math Game Video Tutorials

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Keywords: math games video tutorials FlipVideo elementary mrbakke
Subject(s): Math
Grades 3 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Northeast Elementary, Ankeny, IA
Planned By: Jeff Bakke
Original Author: Jeff Bakke, Ankeny
Objective: Students will work collaboratively to effectively learn, explain, and demonstrate math games for the purpose of recording video tutorials and posting them online for family members and others to view. These video tutorials are intended to increase family involvement in students’ math development and education.

Background information: Students have been playing games almost daily as part of the Everyday Math Program. These games help students learn, practice, and reinforce proficiency with basic math facts and other skills learned in math lessons. Some of the games require specific printed papers, but many can be played with only a deck of cards, dice, or calculators.

Materials Needed: Flip Video Cameras (4 used for this lesson), Everyday Math Student Reference Books, Cards, Dice, and Calculators

Lesson Procedure: (This lesson requires multiple class periods to complete.)

1. Students evaluate the games they play to determine which ones can be played with only a deck of cards, dice, or calculators. These games address a variety of math skills.
• Estimation Squeeze
• Multiplication Top-It
• Addition Top-It
• Subtraction Top-It
• Division Top-It
• Name That Number
• Fraction Top-It
• High Number Toss
• Credits/Debits Advanced Version
• Divisibility Dash
• Division Dash
• Beat the Calculator
• High Number Toss – Decimal Version
• Multiplication Wrestling
• Getting to One
• Scientific Notation Toss
• Subtraction Target Practice
• Top-It with Positive and Negative Numbers

2. Students self-select collaborative partners and are assigned games from the list generated by the class.
3. Collaborative groups review the rules, gather necessary materials, and play the assigned games.
4. Roles are defined: In each group one student serves as the recorder. This student also explains what materials are needed and how to play the game. The other two members of each group serve as participants, demonstrating how to play as the recorder explains.
5. Each student practices each role for their assigned games. Group members then determine which student will be the recorder/explainer and which will be participants filmed.
6. Cards used are prearranged so participants will be able to demonstrate game play fluently.
7. Collaborative groups use Flip cameras to record the video tutorials and turn the cameras in to the classroom teacher.
8. Classroom teacher uploads videos to www.schooltube.com account and links videos to class website.
Additional optional extension: Students borrow flip cameras to take home and record families playing a math game after viewing online tutorials.

Evaluation: Teacher will examine student video tutorials for correct explanation of games. Videos of families playing at home and e-mails or other parent feedback after playing are evidence of effectiveness of video tutorials.
Students were highly motivated for this lesson, excited to create video tutorials that could be viewed by family members and others on the internet.
Students will continue to play the math games in class and when possible, at home too. Students will also have the opportunity to borrow a Flip video camera to videorecord their family playing one of the math games at home.
Links: "Link to Math Tutorials (mrbakke)"
Materials: Flip Video, Elementary, Integrating Technology