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The Peace Project

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Keywords: Flip Video, peace, project, global, movie, video, Martin Luther King, flip, English, Language Arts, artwork, drawing, illustration, speech,
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Civics, Speech and Language, History
Grades K through 2
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mechanicsville Elem School, Mechanicsville, VA
Planned By: Tamara Letter
Original Author: Tamara Letter, Mechanicsvlle
This lesson is divided into six (6) days culminating in a project that can be shared in a global format.

DAY 1 (Activate Prior Knowledge - 30 minutes)
"What is peace?"
Students will activate prior knowledge about the word "peace" by working together in small groups of four to create brainstorming posters. Posters will be shared with the class to build foundational vocabulary and make connectsion for students to build future learning.

DAY 2 (Building Knowledge - Our Country - 45 minutes)
"How are 'peace' and 'dream' related?"
Students will build knowledge about these two vocabulary words. Students will discover that "dream" not only applies to actions we do while sleeping, but also refers to visions and prospects we have for ourselves and others. Students will listen to Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and discuss his dream. Students will use an interactive whiteboard to make notes about Rev. King's dream for peace. Students will also brainstorm a list of other peacemakers from our country and their contributions to our society.

DAY 3 (Building Knowledge - Global - 1 hr. 15 minutes)
"Does 'peace' mean the same in other parts of the world?"
Using worldwide current events, students will explore the concept of "peace" in other countries as related to second grade social studies content for the state of Virginia. In center rotations, students will 1) explore selected links and videos related to global peace; 2) create an acrostic using the letters G-L-O-B-A-L-P-E-A-C-E; 3) read stories about peacemakers in other countries; and 4) write a short story about global peace.

DAY 4 (Making Connections through Artwork - 45 minutes)
"What does "peace" look like?"
Students will show what "peace" looks like through artwork using a drawing software program available at school. Students will use paint tools, free-form drawing, text, and stickers to create an illustration to be included in "The Peace Project." Students will export their pictures to a shared folder on our school's computer network.

DAY 5 (Video Production - 2-3 minutes per student)
"What does "peace" mean to me?"
Students will video tape one another to answer the question, "What does 'peace' mean to me?" All students will be taught how to use the Flip Video Cameras and will transfer their own videos to the computer using the Flip Video Software. Basic editing will also be made in this program. Videos will be saved to a shared folder on our school's computer network for the teacher to convert to .wmv format. (Conversion will take 15-30 minutes depending on length of student videos).

DAY 6 (Video Construction - 30 minutes)
"The Peace Project"
Students will synthesize their understanding of the word "peace" by creating a class video of artwork and individual reflections. Using a video software program available at our school, the teacher will model for students how to import videos and pictures, add title and credit slides, and select transitions. "The Peace Project" will be saved in .wmv format and burned to CDs for all students to take home.

"The Peace Project" will be shared with all faculty and staff at our school who can then share with students in their classes. Students with parent permission forms will have their artwork and video reflections shown in a global format using the website www.schooltube.com.

Students will be assessed using a project rubric emphasizing mastery of content, participation in activities, and use of 21st century skills.
Computer hardware, software programs, books, and writing supplies will be provided by our school.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
"The Peace Project" is a cross-curriculum project as it emphasizes oral language, written expression, reading, art, research, history, and current events.
One follow-up activity could be for students to take videos explaining how they have made this world a more peaceful place to live, work, and play. These videos could be used for another project titled, "The Peace Project: Pay It Forward".
Links: "Link to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech"
Materials: Flip Video, CDs and DVDs