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An Entertaining Assignment

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Keywords: collaboration, Photostory, Moviemaker, Medieval Studies, English, Flip Video
Subject(s): Speech and Language, Drama, Grammar, Spelling, English/Language Arts, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Technology, Social Skills, Video, History
Grades 11 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: John M Morehead High School, Eden, NC
Planned By: Cara Newman
Original Author: Cara Newman, Eden
In the style of E! or TMZ, each group will create & present a video clip using a FlipVideo camera discussing a medieval literary character and what rules of Chivalry or Courtly Love they have either broken or upheld. Working in groups of four, each group will conduct research on a specific character. Using the list of resources you will create a
gossip style story about your character telling your audience what rules of Chivalry and Courtly Love have been either broken or upheld. Your group will create a video clip of the story you create. Each group will consist of four different roles. You will have a Writer,
Videographer, Reporter, and an Editor. Each member of the group will be responsible for helping with the research process and compiling resources for the Photostory intro.
Students will select a character from the list of approves sources. Everything you need to create an engaging project can be found within your list of resources.
The Writer is in charge of composing the text your spokesperson will use during the video segment. A paper copy of your piece must also be submitted. The length of the clip should be approximately 5-10 minutes so plan accordingly. Use your imagination,
be creative, and most of all entertaining!
The Videographer is in charge of setting up and shooting the clip. Be careful in your choice of venue. While we are using modern technology, the clip should be shot as though set in the Middle Ages. The length of the finished video should be approximately 5-10 minutes. Flip video cameras may be checked out from the media center.
The Reporter is the person who will deliver your piece before the camera. They should not be shy and should be prepared to entertain your audience. Keep in mind that the setting is the Middle Ages and you should dress and act accordingly.
The Editor is the person who will proofread and edit both the written piece and the final video clip. Keep in mind that the piece should be edited for grammar, punctuation, and basic flow. Using MovieMaker you will edit your video clip to incorporate an introduction your group has created with Photostory.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project works well when a World History teacher (typically 9th grade) and English teacher (typically 12th grade) can collaborate and have seniors working with freshmen within groups.
The groups will go to the Intel Education site and use the Visual Ranking tool to rank the projects based on quality of content, originality, and audience appeal.
Links: Link to Webquest PowerPoint (download to view correctly)
Link to Intel Visual Ranking tool
Materials: Music, Video Tools, Animation, Slideshow, Writing, Literacy, Reading, Flash/USB Drives, English/Language Arts, Headsets, Memory Cards, Networked Projectors, Flip Video, Mobile Labs, Whiteboards, Integrating Technology