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Science Video Journal Through Earth's Systems

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Writing, Earth Science, Drama, Speech and Language
Grade 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Fallon Middle School, Dublin, CA
Planned By: Karen Brown
Original Author: Karen Brown, Dublin
Goal: Engage students in exploring Earth's dynamic systems using collaborative learning groups and current technology.

Objectives: Students will work in small groups to research a specific topic of Earth's systems. They will become experts on their subject and share their knowledge with peers (similar to jigsaw activities.) Students will create a 4-7 minute video in which they will demonstrate their knowledge and educate viewers. Expert groups will also submit 10 test questions (using Bloom's levels of questions) and answers to potentially use in assessing peer understanding. Eighty-five percent of students will show improved scores on the benchmark test following the culmination of the project (compared to the pre-test) and 80% of the students will earn a minimum of 70% on the final benchmark assessment.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Show clips of Bill Nye and the Myth Busters (high energy, creative thinking, informative and fun shows). Each student will sign a contract just like an actor/director in order to be "hired" to their topic.

Step-By-Step Procedures: Show clips of Bill Nye and Myth Busters. Have students take online quiz to determine which type of learner they are. Discuss different ways in which people learn. Describe project. Take pre-test. Classes will identify the major topics in Earth's dynamic systems. Students will be asked to list their top 3 choices for topics to work on. Groups will be formed. K-W-L charts will be created by individual students for their assigned topic. Groups will then focus on creating their objectives and key concepts to cover in their video. Groups will plan their video and create a 10 question quiz related to the material they present. The quiz questions must include 3 knowledge/comprehension questions; 4 application/analysis questions; and 3 synthesis/evaluation questions. Answers must also be provided. Groups will practice their skits, songs, demonstrations, etc. Groups will tape their 4-7 minutes lessons and edit them. Video lessons will be shown in class and viewers will complete graphic organizers to record notes. After all the videos are shown, classes will complete the benchmark test to assess understanding (this could be an online assessment). Finally, students will peer review members of their own expert groups and evaluate videos of peers for content (following the rubric.)

Plan For Independent Practice: Within each expert group, students will need to complete individual K-W-L charts in order to have a starting point for the group to work from. Collaborative time will be used to assign specific tasks and students will be held to meeting deadlines. All group practices and recording sessions will occur in class.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Students will complete a graphic organizer to summarize information they learned from the video clips and they will each complete evaluations of their own group and other groups (possibly via an online survey system).

Assessment Based On Objectives: Several assessments will occur along the way. Student notebooks and graphic organizers will be checked periodically to ensure positive progress. Daily exit cards will be used to ensure progress is occurring. Scripts will be approved prior to taping of the lesson. Collaborative groups will be assessed on specific content being addressed (following the rubric). Final assessment will be based on performance on a benchmark test following the viewing of all videos (this will be compared to performance on the pre-test.)

Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities): Groups will be created to ensure mixing of abilities. Groups will also have numerous jobs so that every student will be able to participate at several levels.

Extensions (For Gifted Students): Creating web-based review games, on-line testing, and class discussion boards will be available as extensions for gifted students.
We have most supplies in class already since we conduct labs and have manipulatives to help demonstrate science concepts. Students will use what we have in class and possibly supplement with materials brought in from home.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
6th grade history addresses the ancient Egyptian time period and flooding of the Nile can be investigated along with our science discovery of the flow of water. Another cross curriculum idea could be with the English class in learning how to write informative and research pieces versus creative or persuasive pieces.
These student created lessons could then be followed-up with assessments to check understanding. Students would create their own assessment questions to follow their video journal lesson. The assessments could be completed via online voting methods. By giving students the opportunity to create these videos with each unit, we can edit them together to create a video journal of our year in science. This video could be shown at open house night and shared with incoming 5th graders to give them a preview of the year to come. An added benefit to having video lessons is that I can post them on my website and absent students can still access the material!
Materials: Flip Video, Printers, Tripods, Power, Keyboards, Ports and Hubs, LCD Monitors, Mice