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Book Trailers

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Keywords: Reading, English, Language Arts, Presentations, Book Trailers, Story Elements
Subject(s): Technology, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grade 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: E A Lawhon Elementary School, Pearland, TX
Planned By: Cynthia Ramirez
Original Author: Cynthia Ramirez, Pearland
1. 4th Grade Students will decide which was their favorite book for the school year. (Due to time, students will need to start working on a month or two before school is out.)

2. After determining their book, students will answer the following questions about their book:
a. Who is in the story?
b. Where does the story take place?
c. When does the story happen?
d. What is it that one or more characters wants to do or wants to happen by the end of the story?
e. What happens in the story that helps the characters solve the problem?

3. Students will create a video presentation for incoming 4th Graders. The presentation will be presented in a format that answers the questions presented through voice recordings and photos (saved images or photos they have taken themselves). Software used: Internet, Photostory and PowerPoint (convert slides into JPEGS for special slides with wording)

4. Day 1 & 2: Write what they are going to say in the presentation
Day 3 & 4: Gather images for their presentation
Day 5: Use PowerPoint to create a slide with clipart or any other effects to save as a JPEG
Day 6 & 7: Begin using Photostory to create their presentation.
Day 8: Record voices for presentation
Day 9: Edit and finalize
(The timeline of the project will vary.)

4. The librarian and 4th Grade Teachers can present these book trailers to students as a way to promote reading throughout the year. The school web master can post these trailers on the school site for students and parents to access.
This lesson is meant to allow our campus that has a large number of ESL and Bilingual Students in 4th Grade communicate and express themselves through a Technology Project rather than standing in front of a group of students.

Students could also use Flip Video Cameras to record their presentation.

It could also be adapted for younger grade levels or have older students prepare book trailers for younger students.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This ties in ELA, Reading, Technology and even ESL
Have students write about their experience using technology rather than pen/paper to write a book review.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Clip Art
Other Items: 1 Mobile Digital Camera Lab, $3699 each, total of $3699.00
1 Unlimited Site License for Clip Art Station Software, $399.95 each, total of $399.95