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Web 2.0 - Video Sharing

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Keywords: English, Video, Technology
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Animation, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Drama
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Oklahoma Christian Academy, Edmond, OK
Planned By: Becky Campbell
Original Author: Becky Campbell, Edmond
Class: Web 2.0

Class Description: The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.

Lesson: Video Sharing

Create a video to share on a Video Sharing Site (Youtube, Flickr, etc.). Through this lesson, the student will become proficient at sharing files online using the various Video Sharing Sites.

Students will use Tool Factory Movie Maker to edit and produce the video.
Video Project Rubric

ACTIVITY: Create a Video that represents the current Literature Book that you are reading for your English Class. (Because this class contains students from 9th - 12th grades, the literature titles will vary.)

Video Grading Rubric:

Use of Resources and Citations During Research and Note Taking

Note cards indicate research questions, sources of information and graphics, and identify relevant pro and con arguments (if appropriate to the topic).


The storyboard illustrates the video presentation structure with thumbnail sketches of each scene. Notes of proposed transition, special effects, sound and title tracks include: text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts - color, size, type for text and headings. Notes about proposed dialogue/narration text are included.
All sketches are numbered, and there is a logical sequence to the presentation.


The content includes a clear statement of purpose or theme and is creative, compelling and clearly written. A rich variety of supporting information in the video contributes to understanding the project's main idea. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers that provide the audience with a sense of the presentation's main idea. Events and messages are presented in a logical order.

Production Quality

Video Continuity/ Editing

The tape is edited with only high quality shots remaining. Video moves smoothly from shot to shot. A variety of transitions are used to assist in communicating the main idea and smooth the flow from one scene to the next. Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. Digital effects are used appropriately for emphasis.

Audio Editing

The audio is clear and effectively assists in communicating the main idea. Background audio is kept in balance.

Camera Techniques (Exposure/Focus)

All shots are clearly focused and well framed. The camera is held steady with few pans and zooms. Close-ups are used to focus attention.


The graphics and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme that appeals to the audience and enhances concepts with a high impact message. Graphics explain and reinforce key points during the presentation.


Copyrighted information for photos,

Moving Images

Motion scenes are planned and purposeful, adding impact to the story line. "Talking heads" scenes are used when crucial to telling the story.


Video clips show no slack time. "Three beat" timing (three actions per clip or three clips per event) is evident.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Using technology to create videos and uploading to Video Sharing Sites, You will have students create a video that ties to a core curriculum class such as English, History, Math, etc.
Materials: Video Cameras, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Ports and Hubs, LCD Monitors, Authoring and Publishing, Screen Capture, Animation, Music, Integrating Technology