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There's No Place Like Home

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Keywords: animation, claymation, stop action movies, habitats, technology
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Writing, Animation, Music, Reading, Earth Science, Photography, English/Language Arts, Science
Grades 3 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Joe K. Bryant Elementary, Anna, TX
Planned By: Barb Trudeau
Original Author: Barb Trudeau, Anna
Students will storyboard and research information about an animal and its habitat. Students will research two other habitats for his/her animal to visit and state information about all three habitats. Students will need to design and decorate three shoe boxes to feature the three habitats using clay, magazines, construction paper, etc. Students will also need to create the animal out of clay. Characters need to be between 1 1/2 inches to 3 inches tall. Characters too tall will not stand up. (Tip--put magnets in their feet and place the base on a cookie sheet for a floor.)

1. Using PowerPoint, students will type and describe in one or two sentences the animal's habitat.
2. Create another slide and type information about the first habitat the animal visits.
3. The next slide will have information about the next habitat the animal visits.
4. The last slide will be back to the animal's habitat and type of one or two sentences about the animal's habitat.
5. Using a digital camera and a tripod, (it is important to make sure the camera does not move) students will take pictures of the animal in his/her habitat. To do this, move the animal 1/4 inch and take a picture...move it again 1/4 inch and take another picture. Continue this process until you have between 20-30 pictures. (for example, seal swimming around in water)
6. Set up the animal in the next habitat shoe box and repeat step #5.
7. Set up the animal in the next habitat shoe box and repeat step #5.
8. Set up the animal in the orginal habitat and repeat step #5.
9. Set up folder on desktop and transfer pictures from the camera to the computer.
10. Import all pictures into PowerPoint making sure the pictures are in order.
11. Move the slides that describe the habitats into the proper position in the PowerPoint.
12. Using the drawing tool, add word bubbles to the slides if desired.
13. Add music if desired.
14. Set up the timing using 0 to 1 second automatically for each picture.
can do this activity for the water cycle, digestive system, cells, fractions, long division, a scene from a play or story you are studying...can use things like cotton balls (for the clouds), pipe cleaners (makes the characters stronger), googly eyes, styrofoam balls, popcycle sticks, scissors, saran wrap (water), or anything else you would like to use to create your habitat and animal
Materials: Whiteboards, Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Projectors, Networked Projectors, Projector Screens, Microphones, CDs and DVDs, Hard Drives, Printers, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, Bags and Cases, Ports and Hubs, LCD Monitors, Large Pro Monitors, Mice, English/Language Arts, Reading, Math, Elementary, Middle, Science, Art Tools, Keyboarding, Slideshow, Music, Internet Services, Student Resources, Integrating Technology, Autism, Cause and Effect, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 1 pkg construction paper, $3.99 each, total of $3.99
1 pkg modeling clay, $4.99 each, total of $4.99
1 yarn, $2.99 each, total of $2.99