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Creating Fairytales using Tool Factory Movie Maker software

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Keywords: "Tool Factory Movie Maker", drama, collaboration, video, Fairytale
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Reading, Writing, Technology, Video, Art, Drama
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lawrence Co High School, Moulton, AL
Planned By: Gina McCarley
Original Author: Gina McCarley, Moulton
Subject Areas: Technology, Reading and Language Arts, Theatre Arts

Grade Level: 9

-Students will demonstrate their understanding of the history of fairytales and characteristics of a fairytale.
-Students will collaborate to write a fairytale or a modern day interpretation of an existing fairytale.
-Students will collaborate to design a visual storyboard of their fairytale.
-Students will create a video interpretation of their fairytale.
-Students will present their video to other students.

Prior Knowledge:
-Creating a storyboard.
-How to use the video editing software.

Day 1:
Objective(s): Students will demonstrate their understanding of the history and characteristics of a fairytale.

The school librarian will be invited to read a couple of fairytales to the class and participate in discussion. The class will then list fairytale titles they know and brainstorm about the characteristics of a fairytale. Students will then research and write a paragraph explaining the history of fairytales. From their research, the students will then develop their own list of characteristics of a fairytale. The student work will then be collected. The teacher will then lead a class discussion comparing the student’s original brainstorming ideas to the actual information found during the student’s research. The students will be given a preview of the assignment for Day 2. They will be divided into small groups for Day 2 assignment.

Homework: Students should start thinking about a fairytale they would like to create or a modern day interpretation.

Day 2:
Objective(s): Students will collaborate to write a short fairytale or a modern day interpretation of an existing fairytale.

Students will sit with their small groups. Groups will discuss and select a fairytale idea. Students will get teacher approval for their fairytale before proceeding. The groups will then collaboratively write their fairytale. (Teacher will inform students they will be using the fairytale they create to make a short video. Students will be informed so they will create a fairytale of appropriate length.)

Day 3:
Objective(s): Students will collaborate to design a visual storyboard of their fairytale.

Each group will be given a storyboard template. The students will collaborate and design a storyboard that follows their written fairytale.

Days 4 and 5:
Objective(s): Students will create a video interpretation of their fairytale.

Using their storyboard and Tool Factory Movie Maker software students will collaboratively create their 5 minute fairytales. Students will be allowed to select from suggestions for creating the videos. Suggestions for creating videos are as follows: students act out and using video camera video, use drawings to interpret the fairytale and record audio, or use drawings to interpret the fairytale and record audio. Note: Any other method for creating videos must receive prior approval from teacher.

Day 6:
Objective(s): Students will present their video to other students.

The class will have a “Fairytale Film Festival” and share their videos. The school librarian and other school administration will be invited to the festival. The teacher will then make a DVD of the videos and share with our elementary feeder schools librarians to share with the elementary students.

(1) Student's paragraph explaining the history of fairytales and their list of characteristics of a fairytale.
(2) Group storyboard templates.
(3) Created 5 minute fairytales or modern day fairtale interpretation.

Resources and Materials:

Tool Factory Movie Maker software
Storyboard Template
Digital Video Camera(s)
Digital Camera(s)
Blank DVD(s)


Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students could create fairtales for different subject areas (history, science, etc..).
Students could create different endings to fairytales. What happens in the "Happily ever after..."?
Materials: Video Tools, Digital Cameras, Video Cameras