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Babushka Baba Yaga - fluency and story structure

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Keywords: Reading, fluency, story structure
Subject(s): Reading
Grades 2 through 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Imagine Charter School at Weston, Weston, FL
Planned By: Linda Gordon
Original Author: Linda Gordon, Weston
Objective: students will participate in reading a story and will work on fluency as well as identify the story structure of the story.

Students will gather on the carpet with a comfortable view of the projected book (Babushka Baba Yaga by Patricia Polacco) that is being displayed as its cover with the ELMO document camera and projector. (story selected is appropriate for 3rd-4th grade, lesson can be adapted to other grades by selecting different literature choices)

Teacher will ask students to predict what the story is about.

Teacher will set the purpose for reading: 1. we will enjoy this book and discuss the story structure, in particular the problem and solution in the story 2. we will practice our fluency together so that we become smoother and more expressive readers

Teacher turns pages and reads the story, stopping at specific points to discuss the plot as it unfolds in a natural manner, not in a manner to disturb the enjoyment of the story.

Teacher finishes the story and returns to discuss the story structure. 1. What is Baba Yaga's problem in the beginning of the story? 2. How does the young lady's problem help Baba Yaga? 3. Why does Baba Yaga leave when she is happy? 4. How is Baba Yaga's problem solved at the end of the story 5. What might be the author's message in this story?

Teacher selects a page with dialogue to model read. Teacher asks students to note how her voice changes and how the punctuation acts like signals for expression. After a modeling time or two, class will be instructed to choral read (all together) the same section. Student volunteers are permitted to try reading it aloud solo.

Wrap up lesson by reviewing the story structure of the book and the importance of developing fluency.
Visually displaying reading and writing (and math and science) provides support for a variety of learners in the classroom. Students with below level reading skills can participate as equals during this lesson and feel success.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This method and technology can be used in every subject area. It is particularly effective for math as student work and solutions can be projected and supported visually.
The Babushka Baba Yaga lesson can be followed by a Patricia Polacco author study utilizing her other books. Fluency can be an ongoing theme but other focuses such as word choice or imagery can replace or suppliment story structure.
Materials: Projectors
Other Items: 1 ELMO document camera and LCD projector, $1340 each, total of $1340.00