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Keywords: Dyslexia, Earth, Space, Special needs, Technolgy, Blind, Disabilites, Inclusion, Accommodation
Subject(s): Technology, Dyslexia, Special Needs, Reading, Earth Science, Information Skills, Science
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Pinellas Preparatory Academy, Largo, FL
Planned By: Suzanne Mizzi
Original Author: Suzanne Mizzi, Largo
On Jupiter
• Subject: Space Science
• Grade(s): 6-8
• Duration: Two class periods
BOLD modifications for visually impaired students.
BOLD AND UNDERLINED denotes modifications for students with dyslexia.
Lesson Plan Sections
• Objectives
• Materials
• |Procedures
• |Adaptations
• |DiscussionQuestions
• |Evaluation
• |Extensions
• |Suggested Readings
• |Links
• |Vocabulary
• |Academic Standards
• |Credit


Students will understand the following:
1. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system—huge enough to swallow all the other planets and still have room to spare.
SC.8.5.3: Distinguish the hierarchical relationships between planets and other astronomical bodies relative to solar system, galaxy, and universe, including distance, size, and composition.


For this lesson, you will need:
• Research materials on each planet in the solar system Descriptive Video Service (DVS Home Video) DVS carefully describes the visual elements of a movie -- the action, characters, locations, costumes and sets -- without interfering with the movie's dialogue or sound effects (WVU, 2005).
• Computer with Internet access and text to speech software installed (Instruction methods, 2011). A screen reader, low vision projection screen, or an item like out SPOKEN or a similar system can be used to read a computer screens) (WVU, 2005).
• Photograph or picture of Jupiter, if possible Make sure visuals are uncluttered to assist in understanding. Single images are best (Helping dyslexic students succeed, 2011). Have tactile 3D models, raised line drawings, or thermoforms available to supplement drawings or graphics in a tactile format when needed (TSBVI, 2010) (WVU, 2005).
• Materials students will need to create models of the solar system Provide written materials in a sans serif font in advance that are leveled to the student so the student can read before class (Instruction methods, 2011).Visually impaired modification- describe and “tactually/spatially familiarize the student with the lab and all equipment to be used and allow more time for the laboratory activities. (WVU, 2005).”


Blooms Knowledge and Comprehension
1. Have student sit in the front. Audio tape the lecture and instructions for future playback if needed (Helping dyslexic students succeed, 2011).Tell your students you are going to take them on an imaginary tour of the planet Jupiter material needs to be accompanied by a verbal description. Use an overhead projector or opaque projector to show step-by-step instructions (WVU, 2005). Then, acting as "tour guide," show them a photo or picture of Jupiter Modify instructions for auditory/tactile presentation (WVU, 2005) as you proceed with the following description:
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. It has at least 16 moons circling it—maybe even more! See those stripes around Jupiter? They are actually thick clouds filled with poisonous gases. That big red spot on the planet is a giant hurricane that has been going on for 300 years! In fact, the weather on Jupiter is awful—it's always stormy, with huge lightning bolts and super-strong winds. You can't land on Jupiter, because it's not solid. Jupiter is composed mostly of the gas hydrogen
2. Now that students know something about the planet Jupiter, tell them that they are going to divide into groups to make models of the solar system that will show just how much bigger Jupiter is than any of the other planets Be certain that your presentation can be clearly heard by everyone in the room and repeat all questions from the audience, prior to answering, repetition ensures understanding (TSBVI, 2010).
3. Student should be in a group with another student who can act as a peer helper (Helping dyslexic students succeed, 2011). Before organizing your class into groups Pair the student with a vision impairment with a sighted student. Then have the non-impaired student describe the activities and outcomes as they are observed (TSBVI, 2010) (WVU, 2005), go over with students the concept of scale Use an enlarged activity script, directions, or readings for a low vision student (or taped script for a student who is blind) for use with tactile 3D models (WVU, 2005). Make sure they understand that if they want to make a model that represents objects realistically, they must first establish a practical scale. For example, since the diameter of Jupiter is 88,700 miles (142,700 kilometers), the scale cannot be 1 mile to 1 inch, or the model of Jupiter would have to be 88,700 inches across—more than 7,000 feet! Suggest that a more reasonable way to determine scale, in this case, might be to compare Jupiter's diameter to that of a smaller planet, say Earth, which is nearly 8,000 miles in diameter. Then Jupiter's diameter will have to be approximately 11 times that of Earth in the model or diagram Provide a written diagram or advance organizer of this information (Instruction methods, 2011). Always try to keep materials, supplies, and equipment in the same places. Allow more time as a whole class accommodation (WVU, 2005).
4. Blooms Application, Analysis and Synthesis
Make sure to give directions one step at a time and review for understanding (Vaz, 1984). Describe, in detail, visual occurrences, visual media, and instructions including all pertinent aspects that involve sight and allow extra time (WVU, 2005). Have groups begin by assigning one group member to research the size of one, two, or three planets, depending on the number of students in each group. Provide research information that has highlighted or color-coded main ideas and supporting details or allow student to use text-to-speech software (Instruction methods, 2011). Once a group knows the diameter of each planet in the solar system, the members can decide on a scale and on a method for making their models. Models can range from diagrams drawn on paper to clay representations to a model in which a cabbage represents Jupiter and smaller fruits or vegetables the other planets. Allow extra time for the group to complete the project if necessary (Vaz, 1984).

5. Display all models in the classroom or around the school.


Instead of taking students on a "tour" of the planet Jupiter, have them do research to find out what the planet is like and write descriptions of Jupiter based on the most recent scientific findings, including the Galileo spacecraft mission to Jupiter. . Allow extra time if necessary (Instruction methods, 2011). When using a computer, the student with a visual disability can use a voice input device or a remote voice system to verbally enter commands ensuring LRE (WVU, 2005).
Discussion Questions

Blooms Comprehension and knowledge
1. Describe the information that can be obtained from a scale model of the solar system. Why is it impractical to select a scale for both the sizes and positions of planets?
2. How would Earth have been affected if there had never been a Jupiter?
3. What was the purpose of the Galileo spacecraft mission to Jupiter?
4. Why are scientists interested in comet and asteroid impacts on other planets?

Visual Impaired Modification Large Print * - use a copy machine to enlarge each page onto 11 x 17 paper. Try darker settings on the copy machine to increase contrast without producing streaks. Many computer programs offer a variety of font types and sizes (WVU, 2005).”

Evaluation (Blooms Top level)

You can evaluate groups on their models using the following three-point rubric: Allow more time for the laboratory and evaluation activities (WVU, 2005).
• Three points: creatively conceived; carefully executed; accurate with regard to scale

• Two points: concept acceptable; execution satisfactory; scale reflects some inaccuracies

• One point: concept acceptable; execution careless; scale inaccurate
Students take a short multiple choice quiz (15-20 questions) on Jupiter and solar system facts. Read test directions orally and check for understanding before proceeding (Helping dyslexic students succeed, 2011). Provide a copy of the test that the student can circle answers on or allow the student to answer questions orally. Allow extra time for the student to complete the quiz if needed (Instruction methods, 2011). Make all printed assessments available in an appropriate form: e.g., regular print, large print, Braille, or on a cassette, depending on the students optimal mode of communication (WVU, 2005).

Online from Jupiter
Invite students to visit the Web site "Online from Jupiter," at nasa, to learn about the Galileo spacecraft mission to Jupiter. They will find field journals describing the day-to-day activities of Galileo personnel. Allow student to use text-to-speech software if needed (Instruction methods, 2011). Have them summarize what was learned from the Galileo spacecraft mission before the spacecraft was destroyed in Jupiter's molten core.
Allow extra time if necessary (Instruction methods, 2011).
Weighing In
Explain to students that the bigger the planet, the stronger the pull of gravity on objects on its surface (if you could stand on Jupiter's surface, which you can't) As you introduce a lesson and are giving examples of how to complete an activity, ask the child a question to check his understanding of the task (TSBVI, 2010). Challenge each student to do research to find out how much he or she would weigh on Jupiter and each planet in the solar system .


Helping Dyslexic Students Succeed. (2011) Teaching Today | Home. Retrieved June 2, 2011, from http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/helping-dyslexic-students-succeed

Methods and Materials: Students Who Need Presentation Accommodations. (2011) Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities. Retrieved June 2, 2011, from http://www.cpt.fsu.edu/ese/in_Instructional.htm#reading

(2010). Educating Students with Visual Impairments in Texas: Guidelines and Standards, Retrieved from http://www.tsbvi.edu/resources-math/3237-teaching-strategies

G. (1984) Teacher's Information Booklet Concerning Dyslexia. Dyslexia and Learning Disorders. Retrieved June 2, 2011, from http://www.gvazmd.com/frames.asp?menu=menu_nixon.html&page=resources/nixon/nixon_10.html

(2005).Strategies for Teaching Students with Vision Impairments, Retrieved from http://www.as.wvu.edu/~scidis/vision.html#sect2\

Materials: Mobile Labs, Bags and Cases, Middle, Dyslexia
Other Items: 3 LaptopsToshiba 10.1 inch NB305-N600 Intel Atom Processor N550 Blue mini Netbook, $339.00 each, total of $1017.00
1 Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking v.11.0 Premium With Headset - 1 User, $150.00 each, total of $150.00