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Who's Who in the Art World

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Keywords: famous, artist
Subject(s): Art, Writing, History, Reading, Math
Grades 2 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: PS 16 John Driscoll, Staten Island, NY
Planned By: jaclyn patanio
Original Author: jaclyn patanio, Staten Island

Time Frame: 12 days
**This unit will vary I have included detailed description of what will be done on certain days, while other days are just titled.
** Modifications should be made if using both voicethread and glogster becomes too much use only one of these sites.

Objective: Students will utilize technology to do research on famous Artist in history to create a final product, which will be displayed through online platform such as voicethread.com or glogster.

Prior to Unit: Students would need to know how to glogster and voicethread work either by viewing a tutorial, prior students work, or other examples on the web sites.

Student objective:
-Students will do research using "Getting to Know" the World's Famous Artists to gather research along with using only2clicks.com or delicious.com
-Students will record their information on an artist organizer based around informational writing on their artist.
-Students will learn how to summarize and organize a biography and what plagiarism is.
-Students will critique the paintings they choose
-Students will use the writing process to complete their writing; some students will type their final paper, while others will just write it.
-Students will use voicethread or glogster to showcase their recreation of the artists work.
-Students will pick the significant features of their artist to speak about in the audio portion of the project.
-Students will be able to record their summary on either glogster or voicethread using a head set and microphone or built in microphone.

(Mostlycontent vocabulary based on Artists selected)

Frida Khalo
Wassily Kandinsky
Salvadore Dali
Diego Rivera
Leonardo DaVinci
Grant Wood
Marc Chagall
Paul Klee
Rene Magritte
Pablo Picasso
Andy Warhol
Vincent VanGogh
Henry Matisse
Claude Monet
Edgar Degas
Georgia O'Keeffe

Day 1: Using Smart Board lesson on Artist we will introduce who the Artists are, their work, why they were famous, have a group discussion on why we should study them, how they have influenced others and even us.
Once we have done our introduction at the carpet students will return to their tables. Each table has a set of 4 books from the series “Getting to Know” the World’s Famous Artist. Each group will view the books for about 2 minutes, and then the books will be rotated from group to group. (The point is to have the students get a feel for whom they may want to choose)
**Depending on grade level and student ability artists may be picked for the students.
**Also to support ELL students or Special Education students would be put in pairs to work along side another student.

Student will then be put into a master list with their artist that will be displayed in the classroom for the remainder of the project

Discussion Questions:
Where do we find art?
What is art to you?
Can we find art in other subjects in school? Explain where and why?
How do you think you can become a famous artist? What qualities do you need?
What challenges might you face if you were an artist?
Where does all their art go?
What inspires them?

Day 2: Today we will hand out the artist template and discuss the components of it. (This would be done probably during the writing block) Once we walk through where the information should be organized we will read aloud a book on Wassily Kandinsky. Since much of his work was based on geometry this would be done as part of a math block. As I read aloud I would discuss some of the concepts and geometry he used in his work and why he may have painted this way (this would be a turn and talk to see what ideas they want to share). Once students have completed this discussion with me and I have charted their thoughts I would have them go back to their seats a recreate a Wassily Kandinsky “inspired” piece. They would also be required to write about what shapes they used, their properties, why they chose the shapes and colors, what feeling were they trying to show, how do they hope their viewers react?

Day 3: How to use only2clicks and gathering information
Day 4: Gathering information from their books on their organizer
Day 5: Gathering information from the web onto their organizer(finish their artist organizer)
Day 6: Begin writing into section.
Example of sections: (Sections can be added, or names can be changed)
1. Introduction
2. Personal Life
3. Accomplishments
4. Conclusion
Day 7: Writing and editing (students will decide which web tool they will use to showcase their work)
Day 8: Continue writing or typing
Day 9: All writing should be done and summary and critique should be written for the speaking portion when they work on glogster or voicethread.
Day 10:Creation of paintings
Day 11: 2 teachers 1 working with glogster one with voicethread
Day 12: Continue uploading onto glogster and voicethread and publishing
Materials: English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Math, Elementary, Student Resources, Integrating Technology