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Keywords: short story, script writing, ENGLISH, reading comprehension
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Randleman High School, Randleman, NC
Planned By: Amanda Edwards Whatley
Original Author: Amanda Edwards, Randleman
“The Yellow Wallpaper” and Learning to Tell a Story with Visual Media
Grade 9 UNIT 2 The Short Story: Lesson 3
3 class blocks required

Objective: Students will be able to:
1. Identify Elements of Fiction: characterization, point of view, plot, and tone/mood
2. compare/contrast ideas
3. Understand the role of the audience for fiction
5. Use interpretative and evaluative skills
6. Identify symbol & symbolism, theme
7. Retell a story using other media
8. Writing narrative

NCSCOS Goals: 1.02, 1.03, 2.02, 2.03, 3.01, 3.02, 3.04, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 5.01,
5.02, 5.03, 6.01, 6.02

Materials: “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilmore
Student short videos
Cornell Notes: Review Elements of Fiction notes
Review Symbol/Symbolism notes
Introduce present tense writing
Author’s purpose
Tone/Mood Vocabulary handout
Script Outline handout
Note cards
Flip cameras (4) checked out from Media Center
Codes PowerPoint
Quick write quote
Student short adaptation instructions handout
Student paper assignment

Day 1/ 90 minutes
1. Begin with warm up activity: Quick write responding to quote. (5 min)
2. Assign groups by having students count off to four. This will create four groups of six students.
3. Class Discussion/Activity: Review elements of fiction, symbol/symbolism, and themes. Ask students to refer to their notes on each topic and pull out their notes with tone/mood vocabulary. (15 min)
4. Class Activity: New notes on present tense writing with examples for whole class modeling and new notes on author’s purpose and role of the audience. Mini lesson on script writing. (15-20 min)
5. Quick write: AUDIO vs. VIDEO. Students will explain the difference in their own words. (5 min)
6. Class Activity: Review Codes power point, discuss each slide and how it relates to visual media. (15-20 min)
7. Class Activity: For a point of reference, students will watch two or three examples of other student short adaptations of fiction. (10 min)
8. Give students adaptation instructions and basic script outline handouts. Advise groups they should use the remainder of the class block to complete the basic script outline for teacher review. Script review must been completed by teacher before student short can be filmed. (Remainder of class)

Day2/ 90 minutes
1. Students will be assigned a flip camera from the media center to film their adaptation of Gilmore’s “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Class time today will be used for script writing, revising, and teacher editing. Each group will have a meeting with the teacher to discuss ideas. Once plan is approved, students will begin filming. Individual paper assignments will be given during the group sessions with teacher. Filming will take place during class and as homework. Students will be expected to use class time wisely or classroom filming will be eliminated.

Day3/ 45 minutes
1. View student film adaptations. Allow groups to present justifications for the choices made in the film.
2. Remind students of their individual reflection paper due date.
Materials: Flip Video, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries