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A Day in the Life

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Keywords: social skills, geography, cultures, Technology
Subject(s): Writing, Special Needs, Journalism, Grammar, Geography, Technology, Spelling, Social Skills, Video, Social Studies, Photography, Information Skills, Speech and Language, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Bunn Elementary School, Bunn, NC
Planned By: Elaine Ihrie
Original Author: Elaine Ihrie, Bunn
We currently correspond with students in 3 countries using Skype, e-mail, and post. We also exchange packages containing culturally significant items. Students learn about the countries, and have to locate them on a globe/map. We also visit the schools using google earth. They have already learned to use the digital camera and attach pictures to their e-mails. They have also learned to save their pictures and documents on a flash drive. This year I want to add exchanging videos showing a school day. This would include how we get to school, the cafeteria, an interview with the principal, classes, recess, etc. The students are busy planning the video, and will do both the interviewing and the videoing themselves. The Russian class does not have access to a video camera, or funds to purchase one. We would like to send them a camera so that they can send us a documentary as well. These are special needs students, so allowing them to learn a lot about technology and different cultures expands thier world and their future opportunities.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This covers social studies, language arts, technology, and geography.
Continued correspondance.
Materials: Camera/Video Accessories
Other Items: 1 Flip Video Camera, $125.00 each, total of $125.00