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Can You Hear Me?

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Keywords: comics strips
Subject(s): Social Studies, Photography, Information Skills, Video, Animation, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Journalism, Writing, Speech and Language, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Allen Parish Connections Program, Oakdale, LA
Planned By: Cindy Strother
Original Author: Cindy Strother, Oakdale
*Orally discuss and identify stated and implied themes of a story.
*Review lesson on Propaganda/Bias. Heads together – “What are the
techniques used in Propaganda/Bias?”
*Text messaging – create a text message – orally discuss your text –
Web site with texting symbols – www.pctattletale.com/parenting/online-
emoticons.htm – The following web site will be sent to parents in a letter
explaining the purpose of the web site and the lesson involved –
*Use InFocus and laptop to identify characteristic elements in political
cartoons and comic strips. Hard copy of characteristics.
*Orally discuss predicting (inferencing) and clues (within context).
*Max’s Dragon Shirt video clip FRAMES – {five credit to source} – do not show
title of the story – Students view one frame at a time – Heads Together after
each frame – “What is being implied in this frame?” and “Can you predict
(infer) what will happen next?” {One partner will be the recorder}
*Watch entire clip of Max’s Dragon Shirt. – Heads Together –“Why do you
think Max wasn’t able to purchase the overalls?” “What do think is the
author’s implied theme?” “What were the clues?” – As discussion takes place,
review the frames as proof.
*View video clip of Max’s Dragon Shirt again. Students will individually create
an alternative ending to the story. - Heads together – Partners will
collaborate on one ending to the story.
*Partners will choose pictures provided (in a folder on the computer) to create
frames for their story ending. Also, in the folder there will be the frames from
the video clip.
*Partners will print and publish alternative story in the form of a comic strip.
*Each comic strip will be distributed to peers. Peers must answer the prompt
beneath the comic strip. – “Provide a summary of the above comic strip.”

*****Additional lessons will lead to students (partners) to create an
illustrated story from any appropriate subject area
using comic strip/cartoon elements. The partners will
publish and distribute illustration.
*Identify and practice using cartoon speech/thought bubbles. – Use
Adobe Photoshop
*Read and analyze Garfield comic strips. – Oral review of Elements of
cartoons and comic strips.
*Students visit http://www.professorgarfield.org/pgf_ReadingRing.html
and http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/comic/index.html
Explore these web sites. (These web sites allows student to create and
print their own comic strips.
* A G.R.A.S.P. Performance Task will be assigned to each group crossing over
into different subject areas. A student rubric will be provided.
*Outcome – Partners will create, print, and distribute and authentic
comic strip.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

*Make meaning of implied themes in nonverbal communication.
*Translate authors’ meaning in political cartoons and comic strips.
*Apply knowledge of distinctive characteristics of a genre to create
alternative endings to a story.
*Apply knowledge of distinctive characteristics of a genre to create
an authentic story in any subject area.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
*Students can effectively illustrate
and design, using knowledge of
characteristics of cartoon and
comic strips in any subject area.
*****Additional lessons will lead to students (partners) to create an
illustrated story from any appropriate subject area
using comic strip/cartoon elements. The partners will
publish and distribute illustration.
Materials: Books, Social Studies, Writing, Literacy, Reading, Flash/USB Drives, Mice, Keyboards, Power, LCD Monitors, Batteries, Tripods, Printers, Hard Drives, CDs and DVDs, Video Tools, Art Tools, Microphones, Projector Screens, Point and Shoot, DVD Camcorder, Whiteboards, Word Processor, Authoring and Publishing, Slideshow, Clip Art, Animation, Student Resources, Integrating Technology, Cause and Effect, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 1 Tool Factory's Beginning Claymation Educator Kit , $159.00 each, total of $159.00
1 Tool Factory's Advanced Claymation Educator Kit , $599.00 each, total of $599.00