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Expert Board Games

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Keywords: Boardgame Making and Advertising
Subject(s): Social Studies, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Science, Life Science, Writing, History, Earth Science, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 2 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Creekside Elementary School, Hartland , MI
Planned By: Rebecca Carpenter
Original Author: Rebecca Carpenter, Hartland
To begin this lesson, students each choose a topic they feel they are "experts" at or know a lot about. They will checkout books from the library regarding this topic as well as research about their topic on the internet.

Students will make a list of 40 questions and answers to go along with their topic.

To start the activity, students will brainstorm thier ideas for the gameboard including, what will the gameboard pieces be, will they need cards,dice, spinners,etc., what is the objective of the game?

Students will sketch out what their gameboard will look like physically.

Things the students will have to think about are:
1. How will the players move through the game?
2. What wins the game?
3. What kind of setbacks can happen in the game; like, "lose 5 points or move back 5 spaces"?
4. What are the directions for the game?

All gameboard pieces will be made. The board will be mapped out on cardstock and laminated when finished. Students will type up the questions for the game in a word document. All the pieces will be collected and put together.

As a class, we will study advertisements for games or activities they like using store ads, television ads, and online presentations.

Students will write out thier idea for how they will advertise their game. Materials they can use are, Microsoft Powerpoint, Flip cameras and Microsoft Publisher.

Students will execute and design their advertisement.

When the advertisements are completed, they will be shared with the class as well as other classes in the school.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson encompasses reading and writing, science, social studies, ELA, or Math depending on the "expert" topic chosen by the student as well as technology on a variety of levels.
Materials: Flip Video, Hi-Def Camcorder, Point and Shoot, Microphones, Video Tools, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Memory Cards, CDs and DVDs, Books, Games