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Earth Day - 3rd Grade

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Keywords: Earth Day, Movies, Tool Factory Movie Making Software
Subject(s): Science, Earth Science
Grade 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Croton Elementary School, Melbourne, FL
Planned By: Emily Barneman
Original Author: Emily Barneman, Melbourne
This lesson will span the course of a week during Science. The lesson will start on the Monday before Earth Day, with students debuting their videos on the Friday before Earth Day.

Day 1: 1 Hour
Create a KWL chart with students to assess their prior knowledge of the effect of pollution on the Earth.

Materials: Large Poster Board, Dry-Erase Markers


Create the chart K/W/L- Ask the students what they know about pollution, what they want to know, and leave the L section blank for now.

Discuss with students land, air, and water pollution. Using the dot cam project the following website for all students to see.

the students share with their neighbor different elements that are polluting the environment.

Finally view the Brain Pops on pollution.

Day 2: 1 Hour

Materials: Storyboard templates printed out.

Instruct students that they will work with their “table” of 4 students to create a claymation video about pollution. Explain to students what claymation is by visiting Claymation’s Wikipedia page. Tell them that today they will create a storyboard of their claymation video. The video can show pollution in the process, solutions for pollution, effects of pollution or other ideas. Tell them they have 20 minutes to come up with an idea and then they will work together to create their storyboard.

Students will as a group create a storyboard for a 1-2 minute claymation video about pollution.

Day 3: 1 Hour

Student will be given clay and will assemble their “characters” to create their video.

Day 4: 1 1/2 Hours

Each group of students will be given a tool to record their video (Flip camera, digital camera with video, cell phone with video, IPad2). (1/2 hour to 45 minutes)

Then using Tool Factory Movie Maker, students will create their video.

Day 5: 1 1/2 Hours
Students will put any final touches needed onto their video. (1/2 to 45 minutes)

Students will debut their videos in class by projecting through the teacher computer.

Follow Up Activities:

Finish KWL chart to demonstrate what the students learned about pollution. Share videos with other classrooms. Pick up pollution around the school. Create recycle bins for the classroom.

Cross Curriculum Ideas:

Reading/Language Arts: Create a KWL chart demonstrating what the students know, want to know, and as an evaluation tool learned about pollution. Math: As a whole group activity use Create a Graph http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/, to graph materials recycled in the classroom. Art: Use recycled materials to create original works of art.
This lesson will span the course of a week during Science. The lesson will start on the Monday before Earth Day, with students debuting their videos on the Friday before Earth Day.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Reading/Language Arts: Create a KWL chart demonstrating what the students know, want to know, and as an evaluation tool learned about pollution. Math: As a whole group activity use Create a Graph http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/, to graph materials recycled in the classroom. Art: Use recycled materials to create original works of art.
Finish KWL chart to demonstrate what the students learned about pollution. Share videos with other classrooms. Pick up pollution around the school. Create recycle bins for the classroom.
Links: Green Student
Brain Pop
Storyboard Template
Wikipedia Claymation Page
Materials: Video Cameras, Flash Memory Camcorders, Flip Video, Digital Cameras, Printers, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Mice, Ports and Hubs, Animation, Video Tools
Other Items: 1 Poster Board, $.99 each, total of $0.99
5 Clay, $1.99 each, total of $9.95