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Volume Castle Project

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Keywords: Volume, Castles, Problem Solving
Subject(s): Math
Grades 7 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Liberty Park Middle School, Vestavia Hills, AL
Planned By: Jonathan Jeff
Original Author: Jonathan Jeff, Vestavia Hills
Volume Castle Project
-Teacher will put students in groups from 2-3 students per group.
-Students will find household items in the classroom or at home to create a castle. Only the basic 3D shapes are needed. (Rectangular Prisms, Cubes, Triangular Prisms, and Cylinders)
-Students will brainstorm original castle oriented designs from teacher using internet research.
-Students will learn how to take the volume of all 3D basic shapes and use computer software to calculator the measurements.
-Students will practice taking volume independently and then taking the volume of irregular shapes given from the teacher.
-Students must collaborate within their group and collect all volume data to find the total volume of the entire castle.
-Students will construct their castle design by gluing all pieces together and giving it color by using a color scheme.
-Students will present in a video/podcasting format and share their best, worst, and most challenging experiences while working together in their groups.

Students will be graded upon the below requirements given:
10pts - Must include at least 2 of each basic shape.
10pts - Must be colorful in design and castle oriented.
10pts - All pieces must be connected.
10pts - All work must be shown to find the volume of
each piece of the castle. (round to nearest 1/4 in.)
10pts - All work must be shown to find the total
volume. (keep answer in decimal form)
Materials: Video Tools, LCD Monitors, Podcasting