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Podcast for the Environment

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Keywords: Communication, Technology, Environmental, Speech, English/Language Arts, Podcast
Subject(s): Service Learning, Technology, Social Studies, Information Skills, Podcasting, Science, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Marietta Sixth Grade Academy, Marietta, GA
Planned By: Lyndsey Gresehover
Original Author: Lyndsey Gresehover, Mooresville
•Teacher will review podcasting by showing video on the Smart Board. The video will also show directions on the podcast students will be creating. Students are to create a 2 minute podcast on an environmental issue of their choice. The video will also display a rubric (each student will also receive a copy), which details all expectations required in podcast.
•Following the podcast review and assignment directions video, students and teacher will discuss possible environmental issues they may choose to use for podcast.
•Next, the teacher will distribute a handout that discusses important items to remember when creating the podcast:

i.Include a goal/thesis that clearly identifies the speaker’s environmental issue.
ii.The speaker uses 3 or more relevant facts that support their issue.
iii.The speaker presents information in logical format.
iv.The information is presented in a clear voice, that is easy for the listener to understand.
v.The thesis must be restated in conclusion of podcast.

•Students will then listen to a variety of podcasts, and will critique the presentations. This will allow students to have a better understanding of the necessary expectations.
•Students will receive a sample podcast speech template that they may choose to use w/ their own presentations. This will give students a better idea of what their on podcast should include.
•Teacher may choose to use class time to allow students to research their environmental issue, or assign this for homework.
•In next class, students will work with partner to critique each other’s podcast. After meeting w/ partner, students may make any necessary changes.
•Students will then begin recording podcast and prepare to present in the next class.
•Before presenting podcasts, students will be given the rubric that they followed when developing their own podcasts. Each student will be required to fill out the rubric on at least 3 of their peers, as they present their podcasts (this could also be done in previously assigned groups, partners, etc. depending on what works best in your particular classroom).
•Have each student present their podcast for the class.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
•This lesson integrates social studies and science, due to the topics being addressed on environmental issues. This lesson also incorporates technology, and could enable both the E/LA and technology teachers to work hand-in-hand on these activities. The teacher would also like to work with classrooms in other parts of the country/world by using Skype to discuss environmental issues that are prevalent in the areas where the students they are Skyping with are located.
•The teacher will have introduce expository essays, and will require the students to create an essay explaining their particular environmental issue.
Materials: MP3 Players, Digital Voice Recorders, Projector Screens, Projectors, Microphones, Middle School, LCD Monitors, Headsets, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Middle, Social Studies, Word Processor, Podcasting, Video Tools, Internet Services, Student Resources, Integrating Technology