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IPAD Lesson on Nouns

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Keywords: iPad, nouns
Subject(s): Grammar, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades 1 through 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Dayton Elementary School, Dayton, OR
Planned By: Amanda Den
Original Author: Amanda Den, Dayton
IPAD Lesson - Nouns

Common Core State Standards:
Subject: English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and, Technical Subjects.
Grade: 1
Strand: Language
Domain: Conventions of Standard English
1.b Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
1.c Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (E.g, He hops: We hop).

Tesol Standard
ELL1-A. Use proper grammar and mechanics in writing.
A1. Use various parts of speech correctly.

Form and Function:
Language Function Examples of Language Form
Describing people, places, and things, Nouns, pronouns, adjectives.

Unit Goal:
The students will be able to identify what a noun is (person, place, thing, animal) and use them correctly in a sentence.
Unit Language Goal:
Students will be able to verbally demonstrate their knowledge of nouns.

Lesson Objective:
After reviewing how to identify what a noun is, students will take pictures of different nouns in the room and label them on the IPADs (Learning Target: gI can use technology to help identify what a noun ish; Unit Goal: 1; Level of Bloom: Comprehending).

Preparation Scaffolding Group Options

ăAdaptation of content ăModeling ăWhole class

ăLinks to background ăGuided practice ăSmall groups

ăLinks to past learning ăIndependent practice ăPartners
ăStrategies incorporated ăComprehensible input ă Independent

Integration of Processes Application Assessment

ăReading ăHands on ăIndividual
ăWriting ăMeaningful ăGroup
ăSpeaking ăLinkedto objectives ăWritten

ăListening ăPromotes engagement ăOral

IPAD for each student
Key Vocabulary:
Noun- A word that is a person, place, thing, or animal.

Top: To challenge the top students I will ask them to take a picture of two nouns together, such as a person and a thing. Then they will record the two nouns that they found together.
Middle: The middle level students will continue with the lesson as planned.
Low: To support the low students I will let them work with a partner to take pictures and record if they seem unable to do it on their own.
ELL: So support the ELL students I will demonstrate for the class what they should be doing for the activity up on the screen. I will write the objectives on the board and we will review them as a class. The visual, speaking, and reading use of the IPADs will be enough differentiation for the ELL students therefore there is no need for anymore.
IEP: There are no students who are on an IEP in my class, however there are a few who might be on one by the end of the year for communication problems, to support them I will make sure to review with the class what is expected of them before they begin.

Lesson Sequence:

Anticipatory Set: (5 Minutes)
To begin I will review with the class the four different types of nouns and then tell them that we will be going into the IPAD lab to practice what we have learned so far.

Transition: We will walk down to the IPAD lab.

Instruction: (10 Minutes)
To begin I will remind the students not to touch the IPADs yet. I will then go over the objectives for the day on the board. Next I will begin to demonstrate for the students what they will be working on. I will open up the application gStory Kith on the IPAD so it is projected onto the screen. I will then tell the students that they are going to get to make their very own book about nouns today. I will tell them that they are going to go on a scavenger hunt around the room just like we did before to look for nouns. I will demonstrate for them how to take a picture on story kit. At this time I will have them turn over their IPADS and take a picture of something in the room. Next I will ask them to turn their IPADs back over and I will demonstrate how to record something. Then I will have them practice that independently. Finally I will show them how to write the word on the screen with story kit, then they will get to practice that independently. I will quickly review the steps we will be doing.

Transition : I will transition into talking about the rules of holding the IPADs.

Student Activity: (10 Minutes)
Before the students can begin working I will explain to them that the rules are that the only time they should be standing up holding an IPAD is when they are taking a picture of something. They should always hold it with two hands and then after their picture is taken they should return to their seats to finish their work. I will then allow them to begin working on their books.

Check for Understanding: To check for student understanding I will be walking around checking in with them to make sure that they are on track and doing what they should be doing. If students do not understand I will work with them or I will have a student who does understand work with them.

Instruction: (5 Minutes)
I will begin instruction again by asking students to find two nouns put together just like we did before during our scavenger, a person and an object in the same picture. I will demonstrate for them how to do this. I will then ask someone to review for the class what they should be doing.

Transition: I will dismiss the students to work on the assignment.

Student Activity: (10 Minutes)
Students will begin to add another page to their stories by combining two nouns. They will work independently but may ask for help from other students if necessary.

Check for Understanding: To check for student understanding I will be walking around observing what the students are doing on the IPADs to ensure that they are able to combine two nouns together. If students do not understand I will assist them or have another student assist them.

Closing: (15 Minutes)
To close up the lesson I will select a few students to share their books with the class. Then we will review the objectives to see if we have met them.

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
English Language Development
share video books with peers
Materials: Video Tools, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 3 iPad, $400 each, total of $1200.00