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Teaching and Learning: Using iPods in the Classroom

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Keywords: Blogging/Journal Writing, Podcasting, Fluency, iPods, EBooks
Subject(s): Earth Science, History, Writing, Special Needs, Life Science, Science, Geometry, Podcasting, Grammar, Chemistry, Geography, Technology, Spelling, Social Skills, Social Studies, Algebra, Information Skills, Speech and Language, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades P-K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Harbour View Elementary School, Huntington Bh, CA
Planned By: Kris Olquin
Original Author: Kris Olquin, Huntington Bh
What springs to mind when you hear the phrase "technology in education?" Is it the dust in the back corner of a classroom? Software that's nothing more than overly animated flashcards? Or is it the iPod Touch which supports interactive textbooks and dynamic educational apps for all ages?

34.5% of HV's student population is composed of economically disadvantaged students and English Learners. For the past three years over 50% of these students have scored below proficient on the CST English Language Arts test. Their vocabulary and reading levels are significantly below the average student of the same age. Most of the students are reluctant to do the number one thing that would improve both skills: practice reading. I want to take their enthusiasm for technology and integrate it with my classroom curriculum to get them excited about reading.

This project entails complete integration of the technology throughout the language arts curriculum, carrying over into other content areas. This includes, but not limited to:

Fluency - students will work on fluency by recording a book then listen to their recording. They will self-evaluate, set goals, and monitor their own progress towards those goals.

EBooks - students need to read at their instructional level to make significant gains in reading comprehension. By reading and listening to books electronically, students are able to read at their instructional level without disclosing what they are specifically reading.

Blogging/Journal Writing - students will use blogging to converse and respond to various of forms of literature.

Podcasting - students will create book reviews then podcast them.

Applications - students will have access to various apps to review and enrich content knowledge such as: flashcards, spelling sorts, vocabulary work, math, and science.

Essentially, an investment in 10 iPods will allow my classroom to become less of a lecture/teacher centered environment and evolve to an atmosphere of collaborative learning. The iPods will facilitate an inquiry driven classroom, putting more control in the hands of students. Students will be creators of content not passive consumers. Students will own their learning, therefore inspiring a lifelong love of the process.
Materials: Bags and Cases, Mobile Labs
Other Items: 16 Belkin Silicone Grip Cases 2-pk. for iPod Touch, $12.99 each, total of $207.84
1 Apple iPod Learning Lab, $5999.00 each, total of $5999.00