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Figurative Language Videos

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Keywords: Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Hyperbole, Alliteration, Personification
Subject(s): Video, Animation, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 7
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: McKissick Elementary School, Easley, SC
Planned By: Parker Rowland
Original Author: Parker Rowland, Greenville
Day 1 and Day 2
Introductory: The teacher and students will review and discuss the characteristics of similes and metaphors. The students will add the meaning to their graphic organizer. Students will then work with their partner on locating similes and metaphors from stories and poems.

• The teacher will model using Microsoft Word, focusing on text size and font. The teacher will also model completing the pre-made simile/metaphor template.
• Students will work with their partner in adding the meaning of similes and metaphors and then adding their example from their graphic organizer.
• The students will then select from one of the two options below.
a) print their template and illustrate pictures for their figurative language
b) use clip-art to illustrate their figurative language
• If the students printed their templates to illustrate their project, they will need to scan them back into the computer.
• The teacher will model using the Snipping Tool for student use.
• The students will use the Snipping Tool to take pictures of each of their templates. Students will save their pictures in their folder on the common drive.

Culminating: The students will display one of their simile or metaphor posters on the Promethean Board and share with the class.

Day 3
Introductory: The teacher and students will review the characteristics on onomatopoeias. Students will focus on identifying as many onomatopoeias as possible through stories and poems. Students will record them on their graphic organizer.

• The teacher will direct students to the website www.Tagxedo.com and model how to use the site.
• The students and their partner will work together on adding all of the onomatopoeias from their graphic organizer into the text box.
• The students will then publish their Tagxedo after finding their selection of color, font, and design.
• The students will use the Snipping Tool to take a picture of their Tagxedo and save it on the common drive.

Culminating: The students will review what an onomatopoeia is, and then they will display their Tagxedo on the Promethean Board and share with the class.

Day 4
Introductory: The teacher and students will review the meaning of idioms with an idiom matching game on the Promethean Board.

• The students will select one idiom from a teacher provided list.
• Students will use provided text books to identify the meaning of their idiom and add to their graphic organizer.
• The teacher will direct students to the website www.toondoo.com. (The teacher will need to have pre-created usernames and passwords for the students.)
• The teacher will model using the website for students. (Focus on layout, character development, and adding text)
• The students will work with their partners on developing their 3 frame comic strip. The student objective is to create a comic strip that represents the meaning of their idiom, along with text that identifies the idiom and its meaning.
• The students will publish their comic strip. After publishing, the students will use the Snipping Tool to take a picture of their comic strip and save it on the common drive.

Culminating: The students will share their comic strip with the class. Their peers will identify the idiom and its meaning

Day 5
Introductory: The students will complete an interactive board sort for various devices of figurative language.

• The teacher will direct the students to PhotoStory or Windows Movie Maker.
• The teacher will model adding pictures from the common drive. The students will then add their picture to the video.
• The teacher will model adding a title page and a closing page. The students will then add their title and closing page. (Students may alter their font and text as desired)
• The teacher will model adding an introductory page for each figurative language device. The students will add their introductory pages.
• The teacher will instruct students on how to alter transitions and page effects for their video. The students will then add special effects to their videos.
• The teacher will then direct students to www.soundzaboundz.com. The teacher will model how to use the website and listen to music.
• The students will select their music and save it to the common drive in their folder.
• The teacher will model how to insert music into the video. The students will add their music to their videos.
• The students will publish their videos and save them to the common drive in their folder.

Culminating: The students will share their videos on the Promethean Board with the class.
Any supplements such as the templates, graphic organizers, and rubrics can be provided upon request. Also, student examples can be provided upon request.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Integrates reading of poems to identify figurative language and writing to create their own figurative language.
Students could use the figurative language found in their videos and their peers videos to create individual or class poems.
Links: Link to Tagxedo
Link to Toondoo
Link to Soundzaboundz
Student Examples
Materials: Mobile Labs, Microphones, Video Tools, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, English/Language Arts, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Web Page, Screen Capture, Animation
Other Items: 1 Various poetry books from the library, $0 each, total of $0.00
1 Set of Figurative Language Graphic Organizer, $0 each, total of $0.00
1 Set of Simile/Metaphor Templates , $0 each, total of $0.00