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My Town/ My School

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Keywords: research, presentation, community, school, technology
Subject(s): Social Studies, Technology, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
View Full Text of Standards
School: Scott Elementary School, Evansville, IN
Planned By: Pamela Laswell
Original Author: Pamela Laswell, Evansville
Standard’s Addressed:
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Procedural Activities
1) The teacher will lead a brainstorming session on how to gather information about our town or school. Any reasonable sources will be listed.
2) Student groups must use their research findings to create a persuasive presentation.
*Use research findings to convince someone to visit our town/school.
3) Each group of students will choose town or school to research. Time and materials will be available for work in the classroom.
*Students can use any resource/digital device to gather information: internet, reference books, newspapers, camcorder, digital camera, etc...
4) Each individual will be responsible for research. Findings will be recorded and saved in a group binder.
5) All research findings will be cited (recorded in group binder).
6) When all pieces have been researched and briefly written, the groups will combine findings to create a presentation. Illustrations and/or pictures, videos, music, and maps can be included.
7) Group members will practice presenting their projects.
8) Groups can volunteer to present/share with classmates, or be filmed while presenting.
9) Groups can choose to present to other classes.
10) My Town or School projects will be presented and analyzed as to content, presentation, and factuality. The teacher will record a list of subjects covered.

Students will work collaboratively to create a presentation about their town or school.

The presentation will be a persuasive writing piece. Students will research their town or school and try to convince the reader to visit.

Presentation should include:
1. Title: Be creative:)
2. Opening: state why you think someone should visit your town/school
3. Images, or video of town or school
4. Facts, points of interest, and/or history (be convincing - advertise)
5. Closing: invite visitors to your town/school

Our lab is outdated and desperately needs a makeover! The computers are nearly ten years old, and have been re-imaged several times. They are on their last legs.
In order to meet the demands of 21st Century Learning, we need new technology.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project has art, social studies, technology, and math connections. Students will be using data, images, videos, music, and factoids to produce their projects.
Students will present their projects to other classes, and possible submit their work to our annual technology fair.
Materials: Flash Memory Camcorders, DVD Camcorder, Hi-Def Camcorder, Digital SLR, Digital Voice Recorders, MP3 Players, Microphones, Wacom Tablets, Video Tools, CDs and DVDs, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Headsets, Authoring and Publishing
Other Items: 1 Nikon - Coolpix L810 16.1-Megapixel Digital Camera - Black, $279.00 each, total of $279.00
1 Apple® - iPad® with Retina display Wi-Fi - 16GB - White , $499.00 each, total of $499.00
1 Canon - VIXIA HF R30 8GB HD Flash Memory Camcorder - Black, $299.99 each, total of $299.99
6 Creative - Draco Junior Headsets - Black, or Red, $20.99 each, total of $125.94
2 HP - V220 32GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive, $22.99 each, total of $45.98
1 Wacom - Bamboo Create Pen and Tablet - Silver/Black, $199.99 each, total of $199.99
1 Adobe Photoshop Elements 11/Adobe Premiere Elements 11-Mac/Windows, $99.99 each, total of $99.99
1 Polaroid - 32GB HD Flash Memory Camcorder - White, $179.99 each, total of $179.99