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Book Report: Movie Trailer (Elements of Narration)

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Keywords: English Book Report
Subject(s): Information Skills, Art, Video, Spelling, Technology, Writing, Drama, Music, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Princess Anne Middle School, Virginia Bch, VA
Planned By: Courtney DeWitt
Original Author: Courtney DeWitt, Virginia Bch
Students will be given a 30-minute tour of the library's fiction and non-fiction shelves. The objective is that each student will choose 1-3 books to read. Students must give books a chance, so each student is required to read at least 20 pages of a book before it is re-shelved.
Each student is given a pre-test that asks 10 questions on their knowledge of book trailers.
Once the book is selected, students will have a 20 minute introduction by the teacher (using a power point) that demonstrates and models the use of book trailers.
Book trailers for Emory's Gift and A Dog's Purpose will be shown to the class.

Students will be given rubrics and deadlines. The objective is that the students will all receive a minimum grade of an 80% on their projects. The rubric is detailed and teacher will give each student a copy and answer any questions.
Students are given a list of sites to get pictures, sound bites and royalty-free music (provided by the librarian) It is our hope that a clip art station license would allow us to have a far greater impact.
In a 2nd lesson, the teacher will read passages from several books. The students will describe the mood and tone of each passage in a pair and share response. The teacher writes their answers on the board. Which each adjective list, students will create a "visual list" with their partner. TSW create a list of pictures/symbols that match each passage. Finally, students will make several suggestions as to what music may go with each picture. Students write their suggestions on a poster board and each pair tapes their poster to the wall. We then conduct a gallery walk and students use sticky notes to add suggestions or critique the posters.
There will be an oral reflection on how music, symbols, and art can create mood and tone.
For the 3rd lesson, the teacher has created a tape of six different types of music. The teacher will play a section of music and ask the students what they think the music represents on a plot line graph (rising action, suspense, exposition, climax, falling action, resolution, etc.) TSW discuss and justify their answers. The teacher will then ask students to read the book jackets on their chosen books and give a summary (orally) to the class. Students may interject ideas, suggestions about tone, mood, genre, pictures, symbols, photos, and music that might match the book. Once finished, students will have 30 minutes of class left to read independently.
When the deadlines have arrived indicating that books should be finished, students have a review on how to make a book trailer and then work in the computer lab to put a book trailer together, with the rubrics next to them. The teacher will act as a facilitator and helper, answering questions and clarifying instructions. Students have 2 90-min. blocks to produce a book trailer. The "showing" of the book trailers will be on the 3rd in class block and will be celebrated as if we are attending the Oscars. The teacher will make popcorn and purchase plastic "Oscar" trophies. Students will be given a nomination form for their favorite book trailers based on explicit criteria. The teacher will play all book trailers and then count the results. Oscars will be given and blue ribbons passed out. The teacher will share the book trailers with the librarian, who has agreed to place the book trailers in a continous loop on the district's television station. The public relations director will be contacted, as well as the rest of our administrators, so that other classrooms can view the book trailers.
For the final activity, students will choose one of the photos that best represents their book and print them out. We will have these blown up to a poster size. The student has to write out a "book poster" as if it is a movie poster. These posters have to be 100% accurate and mechanically correct (grammar, spelling, etc.) The posters will be hung in the library.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Can be used in math and science. Next year we will be collaborating in the STEM model.
Allow other classes to watch the movie trailers so that they get ideas of good books to read.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Flash Memory Camcorders, Digital Cameras, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Reading, Literacy, Writing
Other Items: 5 flip cameras, $100.00 each, total of $500.00
1 flashmemory camcorder