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Iowa History Television Broadcast

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Keywords: Iowa, History
Subject(s): Social Studies, Video, Technology, History
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Sheldon High School, Sheldon, IA
Planned By: Eric Maassen
Original Author: Eric Maassen, Sheldon
This unit serves as an end to my Iowa History course. At the end of the term students will be split up into groups of three. At this point, they will reflect on the class and decide on one item they would like to learn more about. Once they choose what they want to learn more about, they must take that topic and begin researching the topic in depth.

Upon completion of detailed research of their topic, students will then take the information they have gained and prepare to create a broadcast program similar to 20/20 or 60 Minutes. The program they will create needs to include but is not limited to: an attention grabbing opening, commercials, a 10 minute feature story, a closing, a sneak preview of "next weeks story", and credits with sources.

To create this, students must dress the part to fit the time and people involved in the story (as best possible). Students will use the video equipment from the library to film these projects. Once they have finished the filming aspect, they must take the data they have filmed and put it together in one of the video publishing programs the school has available to them.

The final project then will be a 10-15 minute video presentation. The class will watch one another's projects. At this point, groups will have the option to post the video they have created onto YouTube. Before doing this, I will discuss with them things to keep in mind dealing with postings on YouTube and social media in general.
The flip camera would allow me to have my own camera to use in the classroom beyond just relying on use of what the library has which is not always available when we need it in class.
Materials: Flip Video