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Make a Digital Dance Textbook

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Keywords: Performance, Technique, Website, Wikipage, Textbook, Dance, Performing Arts
Subject(s): Technology, Health and PE, Art
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: San Tan Foothills High School, San Tan Valley, AZ
Planned By: Tiffany Jones
Original Author: Tiffany Jones, San Tan Valley
Dance Students will create each chapter of a digital textbook by utilizing past subject matters learned throughout the first part of the year.
Chapter 1: Dance terminology, movements, and positions.
Students will upload video or pictures and have a description of French term with its English counterpart. There would also be audio describing how to perform movement correctly.
Chapter 2: History
Students will make slideshows using pictures they found off the internet of famous dancers. They will record the voices telling a little history of each dancer. This can be accomplished using Windows Photostory 3 and uploading on the Textbook Wiki or website.
Chapter 3: Anatomy and Technical Principles
Students will upload video explaining correct technique for performing ballet and/or modern. They will show a bad example and have a student acting as 'teacher' physically fixing student. Pictures that students made during the year will be uploaded showing major muscles of the body as well as bones.
Chapter 4: Music
Students will upload a voice recording of the musical pattern they made along with students performing mixed meters to it. This is a separate assignment that was done earlier in the year in where students learn about meters, rythmn, and tempo (see AZ Dance Content Standards).
Chapter 5: Performance
Students will shoot and upload a 'dance music video' that they created. They will be in charge of picking costumes, song, and choreographing combinations using feedback from throughout the year, as well as lessons from Improv/Choreography segment taught at the beggining of the year.
Video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Elements would also be helpful for editing video to place on wikipage or website. Music and photo editing software is optional.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Science/Anatomy, Music, CTE-Video and Graphic Design, History/Social Studies, Foreign Language, English/Reading/Writing
Students will be in Committees/Groups and take over each facet of the textbook. There will be a Content committee, Production committee, Copywriting Committee, etc. Students will check in with each committee during weekly 'business meetings' to discuss progress in each group towards creating the textbook. There will be an evaluation done by each class member at the end of project on input. Textbook web URL will also be given out to audience members (listed in audience program and spoken about) at the annual Spring Showcase.
Materials: CDs and DVDs, Video Tools, Digital Cameras, Hi-Def Camcorder, DVD Camcorder, Flip Video, Video Cameras, Tripods, Memory Cards, Music