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Building Brilliant Bloggers

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Keywords: blogging, 21st century, website building, communicating online
Subject(s): Information Skills, Photography, Video, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Podcasting, Journalism, Special Needs, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grade 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Albertville Elementary School, Albertville, AL
Planned By: Karina Harris
Original Author: Karina Harris, Albertville
Students will use the weebly.com website to create individual blog sites. Students will maintain their sites by blogging about books they have read, creating discussions with other students, and uploading relevant scholastic material. They will explore podcasting, creating book trailers, and online polls. Students will learn digital citizenship as they converse online with others, and choose appropriate material to share via the web. Students will learn and utilize basic keyboarding skills as they share their thoughts online.

This project will be an ongoing learning process. It will begin with basic keyboarding skills, such as using capital letters and spacing correctly. As students begin to build their sites they will learn how to upload photographs, manipulate headings, and add/manage pages on a blog. Once they begin to blog, students will practice decision-making skills, as they choose information to share online. Digital citizenship will be stressed as students begin to interact with each other online.

To accomplish this goal, we need access to a class set of laptops each week.
By having this lab in our classroom, students will not only use these for blogging, but will also use the word processing component during our Writing Workshop to publish our books. They will also use these laptops during class stations to engage in online educational games to practice grammar and spelling skills.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
As mentioned above, students will use these computers to increase Reading skills, language skills, writing skills, as well as understanding technological skills such as keyboarding and utilizing online sites.
Parents and community will be invited to a celebration where students' works will be shared. Their online blog sites, book trailers, unique published works, and podcasts will be available.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Office Suite
Other Items: 1 Apple MacBook Learning Lab w/ 10 macbook computers, $10,799 each