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Bracket Madness!

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Keywords: HISTORY, ENGLISH, SCIENCE, MATH, READING, SPECIAL EDUCATION, presentations, classroom fun, learning while creating, creativity, visual presentations
Subject(s): Art, Social Studies, Social Skills, Autism, Early Learning, Dyslexia, Science, Special Needs, History, Music, Speech and Language, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mountain Home Sr High School, Mountain Home, ID
Planned By: Jaimie Crane
Original Author: Jaimie Crane, Mountain Home
Students will research and choose the person whom they feel has committed a notably courageous act at some point in History. After completing the research to support their argument, they will develop a presentation (poster, PowerPoint, video, skit, webcast, podcast, etc.) to provide to their classmates. A large, visual bracket will be set up in the classroom and the battle to prove that their particular subject is the most courageous person in History will ensue. Students will know which "most courageous" individuals will be going head-to-head that particular day based upon bracket placements. After each group of two students has battled it out, their classmates will vote for the most convincing, thorough and/or entertaining presentation and the lucky winner will advance to the next bracket level in the hopes of making it to the final championship round.

With a little creativity and the resources to express it, the possibilities are endless!
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Although the original concept was developed for History, this project can be used to study great scientists, musicians, writers, artists, athletes, philosophers, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc., throughout time! Special Education classrooms and Extended Resource classrooms would benefit from access to such a wide range of graphics for use in daily picture schedules, emotion cards, social stories, picture instructions, art assignments and more! With a little creativity and the resources to express it, the possibilities are endless!
Students will collectively decide upon the reward system for various levels of the bracket. The same project could be utilized during future chapters to highlight prominent figures and events in any subject area.
Materials: Televisions, DVD/VCR Players, Art Tools, Video Tools, Printers, High, Social Studies, Books, Office Suite, Word Processor, Podcasting, Inspiration, Slideshow, Clip Art, Timeline, Screen Capture, Animation, Music, Internet Services, Student Resources, Integrating Technology, Autism, Speech and Language